Chapter 6: Information on new Meta-nimls

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As Barry followed Nick and Judy towards the crime lab they were met by a timberwolf coming the other way.

"Hey Wolford," said Judy. "Any luck with our guest?"

"Some," he replied. "He's a tough nut to crack I'll give him that, he seems to be more afraid of his employer than anything else."

"That's never good news," said Barry, bringing him to the wolfs' attention.

"So you're the alien that's Bogos worked up about." He said.

"That's me," he replied with a grin. "Barry Allen, nice to meet you."

"Likewise, say, do you mind waiting for my partner? We have a bet going that you might be able to settle."

"Sure thing," he replied. "It's not about abductions is it? Only I don't do that."

"Don't worry, it's nothing like that I assure you," replied Wolford with a smile.

"So, did you get anything out of him at all?" asked Nick.

"Grizzoli should be finished with putting the screws on him right now, but for the moment, all we managed to get was the name of his employer."

"What was it?" asked Nick.


"Now, there's a name that says, 'cute and cuddly'," said Barry.

"Hopefully we can get some more once he's stewed for a bit." Wolflord said.

"Yeah," said another voice, and the group turned to see a large polar bear approaching them. "I've currently got him thinking that we're about one wrong answer away from going savage on him.

"Sounds like you guys have this well in hand," said Barry.

"You know it," said Wolford confidently. "Hey Grizzoli, this is Barry Allen, the alien we were talking about."

Grizzoli stopped and looked the human up and down for a moment, before reaching into his pocket and handing the wolf ten dollars.

"We had a bet that you would be green," he said. "Thanks for losing me ten bucks.

"Really?" he replied. "Why is it aliens have to always be green?"

"Why, what color would you make them?" asked Nick.

"I dunno, blue? Realistically, aliens could look like
anyone," he said, remembering his encounter with

"Besides, I'm friends with some aliens back on my world. Like Supergirl, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Brainiac 5, Lobo, and Arkillo. They're members of the Justice League." Barry said as he shows them a hologram picture of them.

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