Part Three

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September 2018

"Quick, offer to give me a piggyback ride. And act desperate."

Beomgyu shook his head. "No way."

"Do it," Taehyun hissed. "Or I'll lie and tell the rest of TXT that we're actually dating."

"That is so low," Beomgyu groaned. "We both know Yeonjun hyung would kill me if I even looked at you with the wrong intentions."

"It'd be a win for me. PD-nim would give your spot in the debut lineup to Heeseung hyung."

"Give who, what?" Heeseung glanced at them quizzically, having just entered the BigHit dance studio.

Beomgyu gritted his teeth, getting down on one knee. "Kang Taehyun. May I interest you in a piggyback ride to the cafeteria?"

"Eh, maybe tomorrow." Taehyun fondly slapped the older boy's cheek before hooking arms with Heeseung and leaving the practice room.


"What was the purpose of that little stunt you pulled today at dance practice?" Beomgyu crossed his arms, leaning against the kitchen counter.

Taehyun grinned, running water over the soapy dishes in the sink. "Character development."

"You're joking, right?"

"Nope." Taehyun grabbed a dishcloth. "Next time we see him, you're going to ask again, and I'll say yes."

"Why's that?"

"Because we're telling a story, Beomgyu. It wouldn't make sense if we jumped right into being in love. Plus, the point is to make Heeseung hyung jealous. He always gives me piggyback rides to the cafeteria. If he sees me slowly accept someone else as my main transporter, he'll-"

"Oh my god, you're a manipulative lunatic."

Taehyun splashed him with water. "You're the one who suggested this."

"Hey!" Beomgyu laughed, raising his arms to protect himself. "For the last time, it was a joke. You weren't supposed to take it seriously. You aren't supposed to take anything I say seriously."

Taehyun stood on his tippy toes, grinning into the older boy's face. "Well, I did. Oops."

Beomgyu didn't back away. He rested his hand on the hip of Taehyun's jeans, fingers curling around a belt loop. "Oh yeah?"

Taehyun couldn't breathe. He closed his eyes, letting Beomgyu tug him closer. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing," Beomgyu smirked, his free hand reaching for the sink nozzle until suddenly, a spray of cold water sent Taehyun flinching into oblivion.

"Gyu!" He scrambled off the wet floor, wrestling Beomgyu for the sink nozzle. "I'm going to kill you!"

The door to the TXT dorm flew open.

"Tell me why we heard screaming from outside the building?" Yeonjun doubled over, panting as if he'd just sprinted up several flights of stairs.

Soobin and Kai appeared behind him, the former glancing around the messy kitchen disapprovingly. "Alright, who started it?"

Taehyun and Beomgyu pointed at each other. "He did!"


October 2018

"Happy Hallows' Eve, Sunghoon," Taehyun cackled evilly, chucking another tootsie roll at the unsuspecting boy. He hastily ducked behind a bush.

"Taehyun, you are so weird," Beomgyu sighed, plucking a leaf from his tousled hair. "Nobody says 'Hallows' Eve' anymore."

"Shh." The younger boy passed him a handful of candy. "Hold this."

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