Part One

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March 2017

Taehyun couldn't breathe.

He stood slightly behind Soobin, clutching the older boy's sweater as they watched the new trainees introduce themselves.

"You okay?" Soobin glanced down at him, his eyes warm with affection.

"Yeah, I-" Taehyun fell silent as a doe-eyed boy stepped forward.

"Lee Heeseung. Fifteen." The trainee bowed before falling back into line.

Taehyun was star-struck. He stood on his tippy toes, leaning into Soobin's back for a better view.

"Can you see?" Soobin whispered. "Or do you want to stand in front of me?"

"No, I-" Taehyun blushed. "I'm good. Thanks, hyung."

Soobin nodded, and they returned their attention to the new trainees. According to PD-nim, one of the six boys standing in front of them would become the final member of TXT. At first, Taehyun was against the idea of ruining their perfect family of four. Now, he was all for it. The doe-eyed boy was more than enough to change his mind. Taehyun frowned in annoyance as the next trainee stepped forward, blocking Heeseung from view.

"Choi Beomgyu. Fifteen," the boy smirked. "About to turn sixteen."

"It better not be him," Yeonjun sighed, crossing his arms. "He's a troublemaker. I can smell it."

Soobin scanned the new trainees. "Bad news, Jun. It's probably him. He's the oldest, and PD-nim said he doesn't want to change the maknae line."

"I think it's the one before him," Taehyun breathed. "Lee Heeseung. They're both 2001."

Kai observed the doe-eyed boy. "I like him. He looks like the type of person to stop and pet a stray cat on the street."

Taehyun giggled. "He does."

Soobin, Kai, and Yeonjun stared at him in shock.

"Oh my god." Yeonjun shuddered. "What was that?"

"Leave him alone, Jun." Soobin rolled his eyes, tapping Kai and Taehyun's shoulders. "Go say hi to the new kids."

Taehyun ducked behind the older boy. "I can't."

"Yes, you can." Soobin dragged him towards Heeseung. "Hi, I'm-"

He froze as if suddenly realizing where he was and what he was doing.

Yeonjun burst into laughter. "So polite, he forgot he was an introvert. Hi, Heeseung. I'm Yeonjun, 1999. This is Kai, Soobin, and Taehyun."

Kai beamed at the doe-eyed boy. "Hi. I'm Kai. 2002."

Soobin cleared his throat, holding on to Yeonjun for support. "I'm... Soobin. 2000."

"Hello." Heeseung shyly stared at the ground. "Nice to meet you guys."

Yeonjun's lips curled into a smirk. "Perfect. They're both introverts. Kai, let's go."

He dragged the youngest boy away, leaving Heeseung, Soobin, and Taehyun alone together.

"Taehyun." Soobin took a deep breath, putting on his brave face. "Say hello, please."

"Hello," Taehyun mumbled, fidgeting under Heeseung's gaze.

"Sorry," Soobin sighed. "He's usually not this shy."

Heeseung nodded nervously. "It's okay. I'm the same."

"No, see, Taehyun's a chatterbox. He loves meeting new people."

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