Chapter 21

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"Steven, I made my mind up about this whole getting back together thing and if you're all in then I'm all in. I'm ready", said Malaysia.

"Why? Because I almost died?", asked Steven.

"No Steven, because I love you and I'm done being scared", said Malaysia.

Steven didn't say anything.

"What? You don't wanna do this anymore?", she asked.

"Yea I do. It was just a question, Lay", said Steven.

Malaysia puts her arms around him.

"I'll treat you how you deserve to be treated this time", said Malaysia. "I'm not scared anymore"

"...I'll be better this time too", said Steven.

Malaysia pulls away.

"I just have some secrets. I've seen how much of an actor you can be now and I don't do that with me. Second, if you got a problem with Brittney. Let me handle it", said Steven.

"I'm mature and level headed enough to handle issues with her myself", said Malaysia. "I don't need your help with that"

"Didn't you almost kill me?", asked Steven.

"That's different", said Malaysia.

"Like I said, let me know and I'll handle it", said Steven.

"Whatever", said Malaysia. "Well since you're giving me rules, I have rules for you."

"What?", he asked.

"No more drugs. Just weed", said Malaysia.

"Here we go", said Steven.

"I'm serious", said Malaysia.

"I told you don't be around her babying me", said Steven.

"I'm not. I'm just concerned. But my second rule is date night on Fridays", said Malaysia.

"Deal on the date nights", said Steven.

"So not on the drugs? Okay. least you're still honest", she said.

"You shouldn't worry about it. I barely use it", said Steven. "Brittney and dropping Sierra off today so we're going to go and do somethings with her. I know she's only like 6 months but I was thinking about taking her to the circus. It can be enjoyable for all three of us"

"Okay", said Malaysia.

"Cool", said Steven.

"I'm surprised she doesn't mind me being around Sierra", said Malaysia.

"She ain't got no choice", said Steven. "You're my wife"

"Still", said Malaysia.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

Steven walked to the door and opened it. Brittney was holding Sierra and Sierra's bag.

"Hey", said Brittney.

"What's up?", he said.

"Everything should be in here", said Brittney as she hands him the bag. "Here's Sierra"

Steven takes Sierra and the bag.

"Be careful okay?", said Brittney.

"We're just going to the circus Britt", said Steven.

"I know I careful that's all", said Brittney in a concerned voice.

Steven dropped the bag.

"Excuse us real quick, Lay", said Steven.

Steven and Brittney walked out.

"Why you saying that? Because of what happened the other day? I thought you that was an accident", said Steven.

"You sure about that? I mean the other night was pretty hectic", said Brittney.

"Swear to God", said Steven. "So stop acting like that before you have my wife thinking the same way."

"She's you're wife now?", asked Brittney.

"She's been my wife, what you mean?", asked Steven.

"I mean like you're calling her that again", said Brittney.

"I don't have time for this", said Steven. "Let's not do this in front of Sierra.

"She's wifey material and I'm just some hoe that's tryna get to your money even though I was there for you all this time?", asked Brittney.

"Look, it is what it is. I'm sorry", said Steven. "If I loved you, I'd chose you. But I don't love you Britt. You're like a friend to me...not a hoe"

"...hope you guys have a good time", said Brittney before walking to her car

"Don't be like that", said Steven.

Brittney stopped walking.

"Steven stop trying to make me feel better about this.  You said it yourself, you were only nice to me for the sex", said Brittney.

"I just said that because you were going overboard and I knew what you saying was hurting Malaysia's feelings so I tried to hurt yours so you'd be quiet", said Steven.

"... so you didn't mean it?", asked Brittney.

"No.", said Steven.

Brittney smiled a little.

"I'm sorry about the other night. I did go overboard but I was just upset. I really like you", said Brittney. "And the attention you show me...I don't get much"

"Well I'm sorry I couldn't be what you wanted. But let's be don't want a guy who's heart belongs to someone else", said Steven.

"You're right", said Brittney. "...I don't like it but you're right"

"But Sierra is in good hands. Enjoy some time to yourself", said Steven.

"Alright. Bye", said Brittney.

"Bye", said Steven.

Steven walked back into the house and Malaysia is sitting on the couch.

"So...everything okay?", asked Malaysia.

"Yea...did you hear other wise?", asked Steven.

"What?", asked Malaysia.

"Oh just stop. I know you were ease dropping", said Steven.

" ain't say nothing that I'm mad about", said Malaysia. "I just think that you should be mindful of how you talk to her. Not in a mean way and not a too nice of a way. She likes you Steven, I don't wanna have to fuck her up if she reads you wrong"

"I know what I'm doing", said Steven.

"Do you?", asked Malaysia.

"Don't question me", said Steven. "If I tell you I know what I'm doing, I know what I'm doing. I ain't like you flirting with the waiter the other day"

"I wasn't flirting", said Malaysia.

"From a nigga's point of view, yea you were", said Steven.

"Whatever Steven. Alright", said Malaysia with an attitude, trying to avoid an argument.

"You were. I don't know if you do that now. I don't know if you just come off flirty or not now but cool it down", said Steven.

"Okay", said Malaysia.

"You ready to go?", he asked.

"Yea", said Malaysia.

Malaysia got up and they left.


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