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not proofread.

73 days left.

73 days until jeongguk could take the liberty of returning taehyung back to the shop. it had only been two days, the day of meeting and the one following after, yet jeongguk was already considering her options.

this morning, taehyung had opted for staying up in their bedroom to sew up a hole that had been ripped in the crevice of her shirt she had been wearing the day previous.

at first, jeongguk had been confused as to why she needed to, because she hadnt recalled the girl ripping it. but then she had a revelation of sorts.

taehyung had whimpered under the preening touch of the sentient females fingers grazing against her hips and thighs, and then running upward to gently prod her fingers against the soaked folds.
jeongguk who had groaned at the delicious sight had pulled her fingers away, ripping the cloth covering what she had wanted off of taehyungs shoulders and ripping it in the process, mouth immediately latching onto her left nipple.

jeongguk had gingerly started to sip at the coffee in front of her, eyes wide and cheeks red as she recalled the copious amounts of pleasure from the robot the night prior.

although taehyung was a machine, non-sentient, weirdly conscious, every touch and mechanic felt real, pressing the bounds of surreal even.
she had to tale her word for it. i mean; taehyung was right after all, she needed to make the most out of this while it had lasted.

73 days.

only 2 days and taehyung had sent her to fucking pluto in the span of a night, 2 days and jeongguk had had toe curling sex with a robot of all things.

but was jeongguk complaining? not a chance.

so she had went on about her work that was in front of her. paperwork had to he filled out and places had to be managed, she was a busy woman but she always tried to make as much time as possible.

one moment, jeongguk was filling out a real estate form to buy a property of of a smaller companys hand for sellinh, and the next, taehyung was next to her and eyeing the paperwork closely.

taehyung hummed as she took in the information, soft palm coming down to point at the properties image printed in color on the page.

"the property wont be worth a whole lot even with renovations to it. its near a correctional facility which makes it a danger zone, theres less than a 10 percent chance of being bought without renovations, and less than 15 with them." taehyung had chimed in, tapping rhe location of the property on the page a few times as jeongguk turned to look at her; yet taehyung had just shrugged. "waste of money, no profit. losing more than what you gain"

and jeongguk had to fight back a smile at the credited information. "you've been here? or seen this place?" taehyung shook her head, now moving to the stove to prepare breakfast for the two, for taehyung had her own errands to run today, courtesy of the very optimistic hoseok.

"not at all. i know the locations of every place in the world, and have information on all of them. im just simply inputting my opinion and statistics."

jeongguk hummed, tapping her finger on the half filled out form. "i never wouldve known."

"arent you planning on buying the property? you said you own a few places right, you shouldve done research"

"yes, i own a 'few' places." jeongguk said in a satirical tone, eyebrow raising and hands forming quotes around the word for emphasis "that doesnt mean i have an inept ability such as you do to track statistics on everything."

taehyung hummed "why not? information is crucial"

"well, how about this, let me teach you something."

and taehyung had never looked at her faster, ready to take in any information she could pry from her owner, eager at the opportunity to learn something new. "i am listening."

"sometimes, things happen just to happen. there never has to truly be a logical reasoning behind every single decision you make. some things happen, on behalf of just happening. and of course, these decisions could come with consequences, because every action has its equal opposite reaction. but even in the moment where your consequences are on the silver lining of negativity and positivity; sometimes you just go for it"

taehyun had simply stared in bewilderment.

"go for it?"

jeongguk nodded again, "go for it."

taehyung relayed the information to her motherboard, the terms locking itself into the code as she paused for a moment to let her data initialize. "hm, okay. not everything has to happen with reason. its okay for things to happen without knowing the events that come afterward."

jeongguk smiled "exactly. now, go get dressed, im taking you shopping today." she asked, looking at the watch on her wrist as she put her signature on the piece of paper in front of her, and taehyung had watches her movements, assuming this was apart of her owners lesson.

"things dont need a reason for happening."

73 days.

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