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not proofread.

the following morning jeongguk was dead asleep, having her night gone smoothly, and from that, the second she had gotten home, she had crashed in her bed, comfortable enough and ridden from her anxieties of a screwed up plan.

her face was buried in the pillows, hair covering her face and state half nude, only sleeping in a pair of shorts.

but- contrary to her sleeping state, the house smelt like bacon, and if jeongguk was the one to react to anything, then bacon would be it.

she had slowly lifted her head, her senses coming back one by one.

first her smell, then her sight, then she coukd taste her morning breath, then she could hear the commotion in the kitchen, more specifically the soft tune of what seemed to be jhené aiko playing on her downstairs radio.

had taehyung figured out how to operate things in the house just that fast?

jeongguk got out of bed with a groggy groan, sitting up on the bed with her hands slightly behind her to keep her held upright on the mattress. she stretched then proceeded to look behind her, the side seemingly completely made up, as if taehyung hadnt slept there at all.

now look, the original plan was to have taehyung sleeping in the guest room, but after a confused taehyung had asked more than once, she ended up sleeping next to her in the same bed. not that jeongguk minded the company, though.

with a heavy sigh she proceeded to get out of bed, stumbling toward the bathroom with her eyes laced with sleep; where she brushed her teeth and then brought water to her face to remove dry particles from her heavy slumber.

letting out a yawn she took a moment to look at her body, remembering taehyung in the house so she opted for grabbing a shirt in a cabinet next to the bathtub, throwing it on over her bare torso before making her way downstairs, where taehyung was cooking breakfast which smelt as if god himself had sent her.

she was listening to 'sativa' hips swaying and voice soft alongside the sound of sizzling bacon and scrambled eggs cooking in a seperate pan.

jeongguk had leaned against the counter, just watching her, and damn those robot censors because taehyung had turned around, a piece of toast in her hand as she spread butter on it to place on a plate "youve been watching me, thats a little stalker-esque dont you think?"

jeongguk couldnt help but shrug "your voice sounded pretty just then, can all robots sing?"

taehyung simply shook her head, sliding a plate filled with breakfast over as she trudged toward the fridge to grab at some apple juice.

"no, our creators goal was to make us a human as possible. so for the sake of general economy and livelihood, not every robot can sing. just like not every robot can cook, or dance"

"well what are some things all robots can do?"

there was no time wasted before the next answer "speak all languages, basic math, any educational subject that can be found on the internet"

"so-" jeongguk spoke while shoving a piece of bacon in his mouth "youre like, super smart?"

taehyung shrugs, taking more bacon and eggs off of the stove "as smart as any robot can be"

jeongguk nodded in affirmation before stopping her chewing and slowly setting her fork down. "taehyung, we have to talk."

the silverhead who had sensed that this was serious had looked up from her neatly plated dish of breakfast, locking eyes with the raven as she set the spatula down in the sink next to her "whats the problem gguk? did i do something not to your standard? is the egg overcooked?" she asked, peaking at the plate

"no tae, thats-" she groans softly and looks away for a moment; but only for a moment, locking eyes with her again.

"we have to take you back to the shop. this was only supposed to be a one day thing."

the whole world seemed to still, taehyungs jaw locked and jeongguks nervous eyes staring into thr silver heads own.

it was deathly silent.

before taehyung spoke up, that is.

"jeongguk, y'know i have never laughed before but you seem very humerous." she spoke, returning to eating the food on her plate with a non-chalant countenance.

"it wasnt meant to be funny- im not joking. im taking you back today."

taehyung had muffled a giggle, and jeongguk looked taken aback by her laughing, almost offended.

"why are you laughing?"

taehyung just shook her head motjoning to the thick sheets of paper on the table that had "kims robotics contract" sprawled across the top on big bold letters where jeongguks signature and taehyungs fingerprint was.

"you didnt read the contract, did you?"

and suddenly jeongguks life flashed before her eyes, immediately scrambling to grab the contract and read through it. "if you would have read it instead of rushing you would notice on page two secor four, third line" jeongguk immediately flipped to the page, finger dragging down the paper to look at each word, landing on the section. "that any item you purchase must be kept for 75 days before returning."

and sure it was, sitting there on the page in bold italic print. no item can be returned until a 75 day marking period is over, per testing request necessary for making improvements once the item is fully analyzed and used to its full potential. any item returned before this day will be ignored, and settled in court.

"and you sure as hell did sign it. and you know, in court it wouldn't hold up that you didn't read the contract, your claim would be denied immediately" jeongguk had groaned, placing the paper on the table as she held her head in her hands.

she shouldve read the contract.

"this was not the plan."

"i can tell" taehyung had shrugged, sipping on a smoothie she made a little ways away ago.

suddenly amidst all her thinking, jeongguk raised her head, thinking of an alternative way to get her back in the shop "maybe we can find a lawyer that-"

"nope. page six sector nine line twelve, the use of the law against this contract is prohibited after signing, unless there is a statement in the contract not upheld to expectations, then it must be discussed with the owner of the store"

"okay perfect then i'll contact the head and-"


she froze and looked at the shorter who was staring at her with a blank gaze.

"the contract upholds expectations and by law you signed, knowing what you were getting into."

"but i didnt know-"

"because you didnt read it. thats why you didnt know, and in claims court you cant say that you didnt see it, because its right there in bold."

shit, taehyung was right. that would never uphold.

"theres gotta be a way, taehyung, its not like you can-"
taehyung cooed, walking around the counter to stand in front of her while gently pressing a finger to the skin of the lips to keep her quiet.

"now ggukie, thats no way to talk to your girlfriend now is it?" what.

"but we arent even-"
"well you made me didnt you?"

she thought about it for a moment and then nodded slowly, lips pursed and eyes settled on the woman in front of her.
"you paid for me didnt you?"
"well yes but-" she started, soon being cut off again

"you kissed me didnt you?"
"that one isnt fair it was only to-"

taehyung shook her head softly, a coo making its way from her lips "ah ah ah, dont talk anymore. youre stuck with me now, get it? if you didnt want this, you shouldnt have went inside and signed the contract. besides, its only a few days, right? just make the most out of me while you can.." she trailed off, hand resting sweetly on her thigh.

suddenly jeongguk wasnt so opposed to the idea of keeping the machine around anymore. there were some, useful things taehyung would come in handy for anyhow.

"okay..maybe you can stay."

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