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Disclaimer: I only own Darcy, all other characters unless otherwise noted belong to someone else.

Darcy had her bags packed. She had a fantastic summer with Austin and TJ. In fact she and Austin were talking about getting back together. But she couldn't really make a decision before she saw Nate. She also needed a rooftop conversation with her favorite listener. She got off the bus ironically behind Blair. She couldn't believe she had ridden the bus with Blair. She spotted Chuck by a trash can with flowers. She walked over as he threw them away.

"So those weren't for me?" she said and he glanced up at her and smiled.

"Ellis" he said and hugged her.

"You didn't answer the question" she stated pulling away.

"They were for Blair"

"So I was right you did something stupid without me"

"I don't want to talk about it Ellis"

"Well Bass. I think my friend" she said holding up her hand to show a joint "might say differently"

"Fine" he said grabbing her arm and they got into his limo and headed toward where he was staying. They walked out onto the beach and he lit it up.

"So where exactly did you screw it up" she asked taking it from him.

"I listened to my dad instead of my heart"

"Yeah I hate to say this but your dad is an ass"

"I'll let him know you said so" he said taking away the joint.

"He doesn't allow Christmas trees in his hotel"

"You still on that"

"I was upset about it Bass" she replied grabbing the joint back.

"So obviously you wanted to talk about something." He stated and she glanced at him.

"Why would you think that?" she asked staring at the ocean.

"You're being awfully greedy" he said taking the joint from her. She glanced back at him and gave him a faint smile. He knew her pretty well.

"Should I get back together with Austin?" she asked.

"The guy who left you at Cotillion?" he asked and she nodded. "No?"
"But I like him. And that was the guy I was going to lose it too"


"You say that like it's a bad thing"

"You would have regretted it"

"Like I'm sure Blair is regretting you"

"We're discussing you now"

"So I shouldn't"

"You shouldn't" He said and got up.

The next morning Darcy walked out the patio door to see Blair and Serena.

"Morning" she mumbled.

"Darc!" Serena shouted. "When did you get in?"

"Oh last night"

"Well why are we just seeing you now?"

"I had to have a chat with my friend Bass" she said looking at Blair.

"James is the classiest guy I've ever met you know he drinks Gin Martinis" Blair said. Darcy looked at her weird then looked behind her to see Chuck walking toward them. "...and he speaks six languages. And he gave me this beautiful bracelet"

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