Eric's Party.

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Disclaimer: I only own Darcy, all other characters unless otherwise noted belong to someone else.

Darcy walked into the living room getting ready to head over to help set up Eric's 18th birthday. Her phone rang and she answered it.

"Good morning" she said.

"Morning Sweetheart" she heard her dad say.

"Is this you calling to say you won't be making it to Eric's birthday?"

"I'm trying but I can't make any promises"

"And you wonder why the kid has issues with you?"

"I know and I will forever be making it up to him" he said. "Have you and Chuck discussed the movie yet?"

"It's on the list of things to discuss but right now were worried more about his father's company"

"Which if were being honest, will probably be half yours one day?"

"Premature dad." she said

"Just stating how I see it."

"Har Har!"

"Well give him my best and tell your brother 'Happy Birthday'"

"I will"

"Love you sweetheart"

"You too Dad" she said and hung up. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed coffee.

"Russell tricked me to look like a monster with Lily, so Raina would end our friendship and I'd lose the one advocate within his company."

"As you've said more than a couple of times" Nate said as the two walked in.

"Morning Beautiful" Chuck said kissing her.

"Is Raina not talking to you either?" Nate asked.

"Oh no, we're still friends. Just business is off topic. As is Bass" she replied.
"So nothing to talk about really?" Nate asked.

"Har har Archibald"

"That's where you come in" Chuck said to Nate "I need you to bump into her while she's meeting your mother about the Girls Inc. Then distract her for a while"

"I'm pretty sure a business women like Raina has plans for the day, and what do I talk to her about anyway?"

"That Archibald charm" Darcy replied. "Use it. I mean every girl falls for it."

"Just change the sweater" Chuck said "I'll see you later"

Chuck kissed her then headed out. Nate turned to her.

"What's wrong with my sweater?"

"Gotta go" she said kissing his cheek "Little brothers 18th birthday"

She headed toward the elevator.

"Love you too Darc" he shouted and she smirked.

While in the elevator a text came in.

Eric: No party

After getting the text she went to the apartment to grab some mail. Mostly her newest chip. She was so proud for how far she had come. 21 months sober. She was beyond excited that she was about to hit 2 years.

She headed over to the Van der Woodsen's thinking she could still stop by and see her brother for his birthday. She got there and spotted a cater, Lily and Chuck.

"Eric told me the party was cancelled" Darcy said as Chuck put a hand on her back.

"I guess he changed his mind" Lily said.
"Do you know where he's at?"

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