When You Have A Fight

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- You have some little fights from time to time

- Usually you two distance for a few hours to calm down before settling it

- Gale can get angry easily, so it can be a challenge to make up, but you two always manage

- After fights you have the habit to cuddle to show each other that you two are not upset anymore

- Though there appears one major fight between you two in district 13 after the attack on district 2

- Katniss told you about Gale's behavior and you confront him with it when he visits you in the hospital as you are still recovering from your time at the Capitol

- "I don't recognize you anymore!", you state unsettled

- "Snow has to pay! It was necessary! You didn't see district 12 getting destroyed! You weren't there!", he shots back angrily

- "You're right! I wasn't there, but I lost my home too! You're going crazy! The only thing on your mind is revenge! That's not the person I fell in love with!"

- "I just want to change Panem for the better! Turn it into a place where we can live safely and freely! Snow made you suffer so much! I thought you out of all people would understand!"

- "Yeah, that's exactly why! I endured the death of my parents, my games, mentoring Katniss who is like a sister to me! Dammit, she is my foster sister! I endured the torture at the Capitol and right now the aftermaths of it! I endured the loss of my home! That's exactly why I can't ... I can't lose you too, Gale! You're becoming like him! Killing innocents to reach your goal? I thought that you out of all people would know better!"

- Tears are streaming down your face as Gale averts your eyes

- He knows that he screwed up, you made that more than clear

- Gale is so upset that he wants to get away from you and this situation, but he knows that you need him and honestly he needs you too

- "You're right", he whispers. "I didn't think clearly. I'm sorry."

- He lays down next to you and holds you in his arms, promising himself that he will not make you suffer even more


- Finnick has a tendency to keep his emotions to himself, not wanting to burden you

- You on the other side know that he is suffering and want to help him

- You yell at each other until he finally opens up

- Afterwards you always apologize for yelling at him and tell him that he can trust you to support him

- Finnick is not mad at you

- Actually he is happy that you care so much about him and talking to you makes him feel better


- Honest talk: you two fight regularly, which does not mean your relationship does not work; after all over twenty years together do not come out of nowhere

- Though your first few days together were literally consisting of fights and silence

- Haymitch feels guilty after your quarrels and tries to hug you, but you do not let him as you are upset

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