Coping With Fears - Part 1

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- After the destruction of district 12 Gale is incredible afraid of sudden loud noises that are similar to explosions

- Luckily fireworks have been prohibited when everyone noticed how much a lot of people suffered from them due to their bad experiences with weapons

- But sometimes even noises like things falling onto the floor or doors closing on their own due to the wind freak him out

- Every time you accidentally startle him you feel guilty and he cannot stand that

- He does not want to worry you and blame yourself for things that should be insignificant

- So he starts confronting himself with his emotions, but on his own

- He persuades himself that war is over and that he can allow himself to live happily and carefree with you at his side

- Just your existence helps him to remind himself that he does not have to worry about the future anymore

- After every stressful encounter with triggering noises he looks either at you or when you are not around at the wedding ring on his hand to make him feel safe again

- For you it is more problematic than for Gale as your fear is present every day

- Since your captivity you cannot stand anything that makes you feel trapped

- From wrist bands to small places, crowds and even blankets

- It always gives you flashbacks of your time at the Capitol where you have been completely helpless, trapped by the chains

- As basically Katniss' sister and her mentor you have been tortured even worse than Johanna

- Gale usually makes sure you are as comfortable as possible

- Luckily you have no problem to be close to him, even a tight embrace does not bother you

- So at night he holds you in his arms to keep both of you warm as you tossed your blanket out of bed a long time ago

- He never creeps up to you or surprises you with rough kisses, the thought of pushing you against a wall does not even cross his mind

- When he notices that you are uncomfortable around some people or at a specific place, he gets you out of the situation

- Slowly you attempt to improve

- The first step is a light blanket


- Actually Finnick does not know about your fear until he forgets to turn on the night light

- Since the 76th Hunger Games Finnick cannot stand dark places, it is even worse when the place is unfamiliar and he does not know how to get out of it

- But the sounds of the waves and you in his arms calms him enough to not be scared of the dark at your home at night

- If he is in the dark at another place he turns on his flashlight he always carries around with him

- Unfortunately this is not the case for you

- When he forgets to turn on the night light one night and instead turns off the main light you immediately call out his name

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