After Your Rescue From The Capitol

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- Not sure how to react; you look so vulnerable that he is afraid to break you

- Relieved when you let yourself fall into his arms

- Suppresses anger and guilt to comfort you

- Skips training in the beginning

- Spends every free minute with you

- Many sleepless nights together due to your nightmares

- Makes sure either him or Katniss are with you

- Talks a lot to Katniss as she feels guilty too

- Promises to protect you


- Immediately screams your name when he spots you

- Intense kiss, then smile

- Feels you shaking in his arms, which breaks his heart

- You are in bad shape like Johanna; you want to be with her and Annie as you cannot stand leaving them alone, they are your precious friends

- Apologies from Finnick

- You are just glad to have him back and that you all made it back alive

- If you could, you would just forget it and move on

- You try to be strong, but especially at night after your nightmares you break badly and need Finnick to comfort you

- It hurts him to see you like that, but he never hesitates to hold you, whisper reassuring words and stroke your back/head


- At first he cannot believe his eyes

- He has suppressed his worry and fear for the last weeks, but now it hits him full force

- He misses his alcohol, but having you back is way better

- He tries to act considerate and therefore approaches you carefully instead of running at full speed

- Your eyes meet and you smile at him

- Your smile looks so broken that he cannot take it anymore and rushes forward to hug you

- You notice immediately that he is sober, but you could not care less about that right now

- Though your whole body aches, you enjoy the hug and the feeling of safety connected to it

- You do not want him to let you go and he does not for a long while

- He prioritizes staying with you over everything to make up for his 'mistake' of prioritizing Katniss earlier

- Long time just crying in his arms


- They hijacked him to torture Katniss

- Unfortunately Peeta connects you with Katniss; you trigger bad memories though he does not try to attack you but insults you and yells at you all the time

- You try to be strong for him, but it really breaks you

- You can barely stand upright due to your injuries in the first place, but experiencing your gentle boyfriend like this is worse than anything they have done to you at the Capitol

- You leave his room to go to your own, but Haymitch calls out for you

- You ignore him, but he gingerly grabs your wrist

- "Please, let go. I'm not in the mood to talk about it or the things that happened at the Capitol", you mumble

- But Haymitch does not expect you to talk

- He has followed you because he does not want you to cry in your room all alone

- After all Peeta has been the one who has always been there for you and now he is ...

- Haymitch pulls you into an embrace

- For a moment you tense up, before sobbing into his chest


- Instead of adjacent cells you two now have adjacent beds

- You have a lot of visitors; your family, Haymitch and to Johanna's displeasure Katniss

- Katniss apologizes for not being able to help you making Johanna sigh in annoyance: "It's not like you had any control. So shut it."

- When Johanna and you are alone again, you stay silent for a while

- She wakes you up from a nightmare and looks into your vulnerable, teary eyes

- You avert her eyes, feeling pathetic: "Sorry for waking you up."

- Without another word or approval she lays down next to you and pulls you toward her, closing her eyes

- It becomes a habit


- She visits Peeta and gets choked

- You two meet days later in the hallway

- You give her a sad smile: "You met Peeta. I'm sorry. If I had been conscious, I would have warned you."

- She shakes her head: "It's alright."

- "If there's anything I can do to help, feel free to ask me", you offer

- That makes her frown: "Aren't you still recovering yourself?"

- "Yes, but helplessly watching someone you love suffer is worse than suffering yourself. At least that's how I feel. How I felt with Rue", you clarify

- You smile and set off again

- "(f/n), wait!"

- You turn around to look at her again

- "Is there any way I can help you?", she asks

- "You should concentrate on Peeta. He needs you now, even if his mind does not accept it."

- "But you are all alone here. We are allies, aren't we? And some kind of friends?"

- You smile at her again, but your eyes look broken: "That'd be great."


- Immediately by your side and does not leave you until she has to go to district 2

- When you wake up, she simply looks at you and holds your hand stroking it with her thumb

- You give her an exhausted smile, which she returns sadly

- You two cuddle a lot and she never hesitates to comfort you and help you recover

- At one point she gently scolds you, because you made her worry so much

- You just reply that you have kept your promise to survive and that you are glad to be with her now

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