The first party

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So I won! Yay! I'm so happy. I just can't shake what happened between me and Shrek out of my mind. Who do I want? I don't know. I have to see what lord farqquad is like. If he is everything I expect, I'm done with Shrek.
"Hello? Y/n are you there?" Said a voice of a tiny man. "Y/n are you done in there? I need to go."
"O-o-ok I'll get out." I opened the door to see him in his night dress. It was tight. My eyes were drawn down. The man was so tiny but his voluptuous penis was huge.
"Eat up." Said one of the cooks, bringing us our food. This time it was more than a bite of steak. It was a feast! I'm talking bacon, pork, steak, carrots, peas, and celery(ew)! And lots of it! I didn't eat much. I wanted to look like a lady but it looked so good. I regret not eating it. After the dinner we went to the party room. There were so many people. This wasn't any party though. It was a naughty party. There were strippers, pole dancers, lap dances being given, sex, even free lingerie being handed out to all the ladies. I got one. It was red, and it showed all my assets. I put it on and stepped up to a pole. I started dancing as I did in the audition. People were showering me with money. Just like the old days. Lord farqquad and I drank. Then we got our own private room. It was red to match my undergarments. We did more that kiss if you know what I mean 😏. We got done around 2:30. The party was still going on so we went back out. It ended at like 4:00 so I got 4 hours of sleep.

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