Bruno Madrigal x GN Reader~ We Meet Again

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A/N: This story is requested 💙 also just a note, you never specified the gender of the reader so I just made them gender neutral.

This story takes place after the movie!


You were aware of the rumors surrounding Bruno's return, it's all anyone talks about anymore. You wish they weren't true but you know such things don't spread without reason. The townsfolk seem to have excepted him, with a few stubborn people who still claim him to be evil. You and Bruno used to be friends maybe more... before he left you with no warning.

YEARS PRIOR (Days before Bruno leaves):

You were hanging out with your best friend Bruno. Everyone warned you to stay away from the bad Madrigal but you didn't see what everyone else saw. He was funny and always knew how to make you smile. Today however he seems to be lost in his head. Not answering when you speak and staring off into space. Having enough of being ignored you snap in front of his face and give him an odd look. "Bruno are you feeling okay?" His eyes shoot up to yours and he mumbles an "of course". Your eyebrows furrow, now knowing somethings definitely wrong. "You can tell me anything... you know that right?" He seems panicked when he responds "I know that I just... it's nothing serious... I have to go." With that he hops up and runs off, ignoring your pleas to come back.


That was the last you've seen of Bruno, it's been almost 11 years. At first when he left you missed him like crazy. Nothing and no one would cheer you up, though many tried. As the days continued to pass that sadness turned to anger. Anger for him leaving you with no explanation and no way to reach him. You never wanted to see him again, you didn't know what you'd do if you did.

You're just waking up from a long and needed nap when you hear a knock at your door. One of the cons of living alone means you have to actually get up and answer the door. Grumbling curses under your breath you leave the warmth of your bed and quickly dress. Running a brush through your long/short hair you make your way to the entrance. Confused as to who could possibly be visiting you, considering you pushed everyone away once Bruno left you swing the door open. Quickly regretting that decision you slam the door shut again before the man you hate can utter a single word. More hesitant knocking can be heard before you yell "GO AWAY BRUNO!" The knocking stops and Bruno responds "Y/N please talk to me..." He sounds so upset but you can't just forgive him like nothing happened. Leaning your head against the door separating you from your long lost friend, you can't help but let a few tears fall. All those negative feelings you've repressed for years burst free just from hearing his voice again. "Just... give me time" you know you sound defeated but can't find it in yourself to care. "Time, time I can give you time... I'll see you soon Y/N." He sounds just as shy and awkward as he always has which brings a small smile to your face. You can hear his footsteps retreating and you let out a large breath. You just need some time to think about forgiving him even though you know that it's bound to happen.


It's been a couple of days since Bruno has visited you and you broke down. You've been waiting for the right time to talk to him again but for now you've decided on taking a walk to clear your head. The clear sky and sun shining down on you never fails to brighten your mood. The people in town are always kind to you especially since they know your past. Normally every time you take a walk it's very uneventful, this time you can hear voices yelling. You decide to investigate further, you make your way towards the shouts. Upon getting closer you can make out a few words "evil" "no good" "they all hate you" the phrases make you sick. You pick up the pace and eventually enter a clearing where your heart stops. In front of you is Bruno being surrounded by a group of men who are simply shouting profanities at him.

Bruno looks rightfully distressed, his head is swirling around looking for an escape when his eyes land on you. His eyes show a shred of hope but it quickly dies. You can't help but feel bad for not forgiving him sooner. You snap out of your thoughts when the men shouting raises their voices. "No one will ever except you!" That one gets your blood boiling, your feet are moving before your brain can catch up and next thing you know you're standing in front of Bruno. "What the heck is wrong with you people!" You glare at the men with as much hatred you can muster up. The men falter upon seeing you but their mouths don't stop "he's just the no good Madrigal, why do you care anyways... HE left YOU." You don't even have to think about what to say next "he may have left me but I know he must have a good reason..." you trail off and look at Bruno "I'm sorry for not talking to you sooner." Bruno gives you a small smile despite the circumstances "it's okay Y/N." You smile and decide to leave it at that for now as you turn back to the men still standing around the both of you. "Now listen up, if I ever see you near Bruno again... you won't leave unscathed" you state as threateningly as possible. The men look unamused before scoffing and walking off.

You can still feel your fast pounding heart when Bruno taps your shoulder. His wringing his hands together as he says "thanks Y/N... you... didn't have to do that." "Yes I did Bruno, I'm so sorry for not talking to you as soon as you came to see me." You lean in and hug him. He seems surprised but quickly hugs you back. He mumbles into your shoulder "no, I'm sorry for leaving you." You squeeze him tighter "I missed you so much." "I missed you more."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed and I apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes 💙

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