DoloresMadrigal x GNReader~ Loud

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A/N: This story will be a hurt/comfort and will probably be short (note: it didn't end up being short)


First Person Dolores POV.

Loud, loud, loud everything is too much, the sounds never stop. I can't even remember what the special occasion was supposed to be, maybe a birthday? My ears are ringing as I hold my hands over them, hoping to block out some of the voices. I can hear everything, the people around me, the people in their own homes, even the people outside of the Encanto. I'm surrounded by all these people who just pass by me as if I'm not even there. I can feel my breathing start to pick up as my heart beats out of my chest. The only thing I'm sure of anymore is that I need to get out of this room.

I feel disoriented, I can't tell which way is the exit. I start staggering to an empty space located in the corner of the room. Still tightly holding my hands over my ears, I take a deep breath and scan my eyes over the crowd searching for a way out. I don't care where I go I just need an out. More people start entering the room, from where is still a mystery to me. The only thing I'm truly aware of is the noice that comes with them. It's getting louder I hear everything except my own heartbeat and breathing. One person is talking about the drinks another about a crush, it's all different, it's all too much. I let out a silent scream as my legs give out from under me and I slide to the floor. 'I can't breathe, I can't breathe, I can't breathe.' Mumbling to myself on the floor is all I can manage without my stomach turning. I feel helpless as my vision starts going spotty I see someone rushing towards me, mouthing something.

Second Person Reader POV.

You've been invited to Camilo's 16th birthday, mainly because of you being Dolores' partner but you still like to think you're pretty close with the kid himself. You and Dolores have been together for 4 years now, still going as strong as you've always been. You both know how to help each other out and make each other laugh along the way. You're basically the only person that can be near Dolores when she's having a panic attack and she's the only one allowed near you when you're having one of your depressive episodes. (If you don't have do now... have fun) The both of you are known as the "best couple in town", you're definitely more fond of the name than Dolores. Just like every other couple you have your moments but always manage to solve the issue right away. If you remember correctly your longest fight was only about 2 hours. Dolores means everything to you and you mean everything to her.

You reach the Casita only to come face to face with what could be mistaken as a rave. There are people lined up outside the door simply waiting to wish Camilo a happy birthday. "I knew he was popular but geez" you mutter to yourself while trying to push past the crowd of people. You feel bad cutting these people in line but you were invited by the Madrigals themselves, making you higher up on the guest list. You eventually reach the door and you ask Casita to bring you to the Madrigals. The tiles start shifting as to not disturb the other party goers, slowly bringing you to your destination.

The tiles stop shifting after a few moments signaling the end of your journey. "Thank you Casita" you wave to the nearest window, getting a shingle shake in return. Looking around you can just barley see that you've made it to the kitchen where the all the Madrigals are located, all but Dolores. You decide to wish Camilo a happy birthday before looking around for your nacia. You know if it gets too loud for her she can wear her earbuds or go outside. You walk over to where the Madrigals are standing and yell over to Camilo "Hola Camilo, happy birthday!" His attention shifts to you and his face brightens. "Hola Y/N, thanks!" He looks at you as if he's expecting something and you can't help but laugh. You take the small gift you've had hidden in your pocket and drop it into his waiting hands. He gives it a small shake and smiles at you "thank you for your service." He tries to stay serious but starts smiling again right away. You once again laugh, but start getting nervous since you haven't seen Dolores. "Hey Camilo, have you seen Dolores?" He pauses from unwrapping the gift you've just handed him and thinks about the question. After a beat he speaks "actually no I haven't, maybe you should look for her. Abuela will be mad if I leave." He looks apologetic but you understand, with a curt nod you walk away and start searching for Dolores.

You feel like you've been searching the Casita for hours, with still no sigh of your nacia you start to sweat. You have no idea where she could be until it clicks. Dolores likes to hide in small spaces or corners whenever she's panicking. You start rushing about Casita looking at every corner in the rooms until your eyes land on Dolores. She's huddled in the corner as expected but she's holding her hands over her ears and her breathing is out of control. Your heart breaks at the sight but you know that right now is not the time to panic along with her. You rush to her side and whisper her name a few times hoping to catch her attention as her eyes start fluttering. (Warning this tactic will NOT work for everyone if they are having a panic attack so be aware) You grab her hands and place them over your heart, this gets her eyes onto you. "Good, good just look at me okay Mi Amor?" You whisper and she gives a shaky nod in response. "Just breathe with me." You take exaggerated breaths hoping to have her match hers with yours. You sit like this for a few moments. Eventually she starts to calm down and her breathing starts to even out. You smile at her, her giving a small but genuine one back. You can tell shes feeling good enough to stand so you help her to her feet. "Okay Mi Amor we're going to go outside and watch the sky the rest of the night okay?" "Okay" is her whispered answer. She heavily leans on you as you make your way through the crowds and outside to the stars.

A/N: whoop thank you for almost 700 reads?!

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