CamiloxCarlosxFemReader~ Love Triangle

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A/N: This story was requested, I hope you enjoy! (Sorry this ones not too long)

Note: this is a love triangle story if that's not your thing than maybe skip this one.

Second Person Readers POV.

The bustling streets never fails to make you feel at home. To some the packed crowds would make them cower but to you the streets bring a sense of belonging. Though not only do the streets make you feel this way but also your best friends Camilo and Carlos.

Camilo is the mischievous guy from the Madrigals who never fails to put a smile on your face. Carlos is quite the opposite, he's quiet and kind, nothing like the loud Camilo but both guys managed to steal your heart. Deep down you know you can only end up with one but they both pull you in opposite directions. You've decided to wait until the end of the week to finally decide who you want to be with. Camilo and Carlos both know of your dilemma which means both of them are trying their hardest to win you over for good, this starts the beginning of a tiring week.

Day 1:

The day started normally, you got out of bed, got dressed, and headed off to work. You work at this small market place that sells little necklace charms, you happen to draw most the designs yourself. You're sitting on a stool just doodling away when someone coughs, gaining your attention. Looking up you see Carlos awkwardly standing in front of you with a small flower in his hand. "Hey Y/N... I got you this flower because it reminded me of you." You can't tell if you blush more after hearing this or if Carlos blushes more from saying it. Delicately you grab the flower from his hand and give him a grateful smile. You're about to respond when you feel a head drop onto your shoulder. "Hola Y/N." You don't have to look up to know it's Camilo and he's most likely glaring at Carlos. Hating the way they fight you stand up and make your way home leaving the two boys staring after you.

Day 2:

Today started out the same as yesterday, you got out of bed and headed off to work. Though today instead of making it to the market place you feel an arm intertwine with your own. Slightly startled you whip your head around only to come face to face with Camilo. He's supporting a cute smile when he says "Hola, I wanted to apologize for yesterday." The smile slightly slips when he says this but it comes back full force right away. "Anyways I also wanted to know if you'd like to hang out after you finish work?" He's not shy when he says this with full confidence which makes your heart flutter. "Oh uh yeah, yes that sounds fun." You shoot him a smile and unlock your arm from his. "See you later Camilo!" You wave and make your way to work, missing the fond smile Camilo gives you and the jealous eyes of another.

Day 3:

The evening spent with Camilo lingers in your mind when you wake up. He brought you flowers and let you decide how to spend the evening. Shaking your head to clear your thoughts you slowly climb out of bed. Lucky for you, today you have no work meaning you get the whole day to do whatever you want. You're thinking about how to spend the day when you hear a knock at your door. You crack the door open and waiting for you outside is Carlos. Opening the door wider you say "Carlos hey, what are you doing here?" He fiddles with his fingers and responds "well I know you don't have work today and I was wondering if you'd like to have a picnic with me?" Finding his awkwardness charming you smile slightly and say "of course let's go." The whole day is spent with Carlos until you get too tired to continue walking through town.

Day 4:

Tomorrow is the big day, the day you decide who you'd rather be with. (A/N: I'm doing just the weekdays hence day 5 being the end day) It makes you so nervous because you just know someone will be let down but this has to be done. You already have a good idea about who you're going to pick. Taking a deep breath you start getting ready for the day. Nothing eventful happens all throughout the day and you just know that both boys are avoiding you, most likely too nervous to do much more. You can't help but be disappointed, wanting one last day with them both before the big decision.

Day 5:

Waking up this morning was hard for you but you know whatever happens today will be for the best. Getting dressed as fast as possible you dash out your door and into the bustling streets. Making your way through the crowds of people you eventually find Camilo and Carlos, they both seem nervous which is definitely not normally, for Camilo at least. They see you approaching which makes Camilo sit up straighter while Carlos avoids eye contact with both you and Camilo. You give them a wobbly smile and mutter "hey guys." Carlos just waves but Camilo responds with a small "hey Y/N." "I'm just going to get straight to the point, this week was hard for everyone and you both deserve an answer." You muster up as much confidence when you say "I've decided to go with...."

Camilo's Ending:

"....Camilo." You can see the way Carlos deflates but he still manages to give you and Camilo a smile while mumbling a "congrats" before walking away. You feel bad but you know Camilo is the one for you. Speaking of Camilo his reaction was to blankly stare before your words managed to settle. He shoots over to where you are standing and pulls you into a hug. "Thank you for picking me, Mi Amor" he mumbles this into your shoulder. The nickname he gives you makes you flush but you still manage to wrap your arms around him. You spend the day together hand in hand with nothing occupying your thoughts except Camilo.

Carlos' Ending:

"....Carlos." After saying this Camilo immediately stands up and goes over to shake Carlos' hand. Carlos, who is still shocked, barley manages to shake his hand.  The sight makes a small sad smile tug at your lips. After shaking his hand Camilo shoots you a smile and simply walks away which leaves you and Carlos alone. "Wow..." Carlos is the first to speak "I can't believe you chose me." He walks over to you and intertwines his fingers with yours "either way I'm grateful, let's get out of here." No more words are spoken as Carlos leads you throughout town, the rest of the day spent just like that.

A/N: I wasn't sure who you wanted to "win" so I just added both.

Sorry if Camilo is somewhat OOC, I was kinda stumped.

Also thank you so much for 200 views already 💙

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