Chapter 15

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Yugito didn't like the look that Mei was giving her. That ever-present smile that could hide pain and pleasure at equal percentages and eyes that just begged to be asked a question. And Yugito, for her point, felt like she was holding her own quite well. It only took her twenty minutes this time for her to break down and confront Mei, up nearly ten minutes since the last time she tried.

It also didn't help that she didn't know who would win between the two of them if they fought seriously. It was something that Yugito didn't have to worry about too often about since a while ago. She used to be a big fish with a bunch of largish, medium, and small fish around her. Now, she was a big fish with other big fish around.

"Yes?" Yugito asked with her palm on her face.

"I don't know what you're talking about~" Mei said, stretching her sentence out.

The cat woman readjusted her head shawl. Wind was picking up sand particles that cut through the skin like a knife through butter. It was mostly just irritating, but they all were wearing face protection anyways.

"Why have you been giving me that look?" Yugito asked quickly and with a little bit of a hiss.

"What look?"

It was this point that Yugito lengthened her nails until they were long and sharp enough to cut someone in half if she really tried at it. She hoped it to be a sign of her lack of patience towards the woman and not an actual call to action. And for the woman's credit, her eyes opened and she smiled knowingly.

"I'm just wondering," Mei said "What could have happened that eroded the patience of the ever stalwart Yugito Nii?"

"You, mostly."

Mei turned her head to the young, strapping lad getting blown about the desert by what appeared to be a demon cloaked in wind and sand, with the only indication of humanity about it being a giant wind fan. He would get to his knees and hold his hands up, as if to guard himself, only to get blown away by a giant gust of wind every time. It was comical the first hundred times or so. Now, it was just background noise. "Or maybe its thoughts swirling around your head about a certain handsome, young stud flying around here?"

Yugito closed her eyes and pushed her head forward against the wind she, and everyone else sans Naruto and Temari, were walking against. Trying to get an angle where she could both see, and face forward at the same time was getting to be too tiresome. And more to the point, she didn't want to look at the woman egging her on. "Don't try to reflect your lascivious nature onto me. If you want a round in the sack, just ask him."

"If it were that easy, I'm sure you would have done just that more times than I have fingers or toes."

The cat woman just sighed. "If you want a no-holds barred fight to the death, you only have to ask nicely."

"Is there something that I've intonated that you would find disagreeable enough-"

"Shut up!" Yugito growled out, letting some of Matatabi's chakra leak into her eyes for effect. "Just… say what you have to say. The quicker you do, the quicker we got on with our lives."

Mei crossed her arms over her chest. "You're not fun."

"And you have the mentality of a child."

Mei shrugged. "You want him."

"You're going to have to elaborate on that."

"You don't deny it?"

"I don't deny anything that I don't have a firm enough grasp on. If you want me to deny or support something, you're going to have to word it in a way that I can comprehend."

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