Chapter 10

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Deidara would be hard pressed to tell anyone if there was anything that excited him more, or on the same level as, explosions. Seeing the culmination of months of hard work and planning extend across the canvas of the world in the span of a few seconds sent shivers up his spine every single time he went through with it. It always had. Ever since he was a kid, he was this way. It's what gave him an edge over everyone else in the explosion squad. It's what made him desire to steal the sacred forbidden art of imbuing clay with explosive power. It's what made him do it.

But now, there might be a worthy contender to his love. The hatred in the air was palpable. Quite literally. It assaulted his skin in waves like heat from a fire would, but this fire did not singe his eyebrows or dry his skin. No, this fire made him feel something he hadn't felt in a very long time.

It made him feel fear.

And that, more than anything else, sent shivers up his spine in a most pleasurable way. Such was the greatness of feeling that he wanted it to stay there forever. That questioning of his character by himself was such a wondrous sensation that he would never be able to articulate the hows, whens, and whys of it.


The blond man snapped out of his reverie at the snap from his partner. He blinked once and looked down at the source of the palpable hate, that wondrous fire. Covered in bug exoskeleton, but male. The seven tails was female.

Who was that?

The mad bomber smirked to himself and muttered "Doesn't really matter," before clasping his hands together and screaming "KATSU!"


As there was a conference of the strongest shinobi in the world at the moment, it didn't do either of them very much good to stick around after killing one of them. Even if they all turned on each other and pandemonium broke out, neither of them could risk getting caught up in it. Which is why the organization decided to scuttle that particular hideout and also why Deidara stuck his clay on the support pillars.

The two of them hopped onto the top of the statue where a disturbance in the air materialized and two hands came out of them to grab onto both their shoulders.

"Should we be questioning this?" Deidara asked.

"Count your blessings while you still can," Sasori ground out.

Deidara smirked. "Y-"

Whatever he was about to say was interrupted by the purple haze that materialized out of nowhere and vanished along with him. Sasori was only barely able to blink in the time that he vanished. He might have leapt up into action, but he was hit in the chest by a bullet of air and rocketed back across the cavern.

His back cracked apart the wall and got partially stuck in there. Turning to his left, he saw the seven tails in human form ripping his partner's guts out and screaming at the top of his lungs while he did so. Sasori was glad he didn't have human ears anymore, else he might have gone deaf from the loudness.

Curling his appendages forward like a pill bug would, Sasori slammed them all back as hard as he could and dislodged himself from the rock wall, falling to the ground. He hit the ground with the litheness of a cat and the creepiness of a spider, but he didn't have even a moment's rest to get his bearings. As soon as his feet and hands touched the ground, his chin was clubbed to the side by a giant war fan, held by the one tails' sister. There were tears in her eyes, but they were wide open and full of fury.

She hit him again in the head, this time caving in one of his eyes, before he whipped his bone tail around to pierce her chest. Without even a hint of hesitation, she deflected the blow with the fan, twirled around and pushed the blunt end into the bridge of his nose, fracturing the hard wood beyond repair.

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