4- Caramel

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I keep running my hand through Strawberry's hair, his ginger curly hair seeming to wrap around mine as I let my fingers go through them.

His body is wrapped around my waist, his grip around me tight as I smile at him.

This was always my favorite side of him.

When he slept.

Not that I did not move every side of Ber, I did, with all of my heart. But I also was aware that he was tormented half the time he was awake, losing control and feeling guilt the next second. I knew that he barely meant half the things he did and I always felt sad when it happened.

Because that's how I was.

I was horribly soft and even I hated it sometimes.

It was why they all treated me like a baby, making sure I never left their sight and if I did, made sure at least one of them was on me. But I could take care of myself, they just didn't know that, or rather, didn't want to acknowledge the idea.

I hear the door to Ber's room burst open and Coco's voice screaming "Where are my boyfriends?!"

I quickly turn to him, making a gesture that he should be quiet because of the sleeping person on me and the new one below.

But I hear him giggle as he comes closer and realize he only did it on purpose. Possibly to see the reaction I would give and just for the heck of it.

When he reaches Ber and I, he sits on the bed, the smell of Cream wafting from him to me as I hold the urge to get closer, his eyes twinkling when he says "How are you brother?"

I give him a small smile "I'm okay"

"Sure baby?" He asks then comes closer, the movement making me take in a sharp breath as his grin comes on his face "Big Daddy here didn't hurt you, did he?"

I want to say no, that I'm actually okay because I am, but if Chocolate knew I lied, he would go ballistic and that was a side of me that terrified me "H-He didn't mean to Coco, I swear-"

The grin disappears, a small scowl now appearing. His eyes are scanning me fast, looking for the place I could have been hurt before he notices how I'm trying to hide my feet and he grabs my leg, a small cry leaving my lips before he hoists it up to the surface, his eyes falling on the bandage.

The scowl is replaced with a look of pain before he looks at me, then Strawberry "Did he- Did he break your leg?"

I quickly shake my head "H-He threw a chair at the door and I h-happened to be there-"

The horrified look on his face is slowly going away now, a lost one replacing it "Mistake?"

I nod "It really doesn't hurt that much"

He looks back at the leg, his fingers trailing it. I hold my breath in fear that he would apply pressure on it, just to see if I'm lying or not but he looks back at me, tears in his eyes "Are you sure Mel?"

I slowly shake my head.

He lets go of my leg, coming closer as he held my face "You'd tell me if he does anything you don't like, wouldn't you? If he hurts you again, you won't hide it like before, you'd tell me? You promised Caramel. You promised"

I nod again "I will"

He lets out a small laugh, pulling me into a hug as he squeezes tightly before he pulls away, his smile back on his face "Honestly, I actually thought I'd have to kill Ber"

If I had heard it from someone else, I would have been scared or surprised.

But not when I know that Chocolate isn't just someone else.

VANILLA // POLY~wxbxbxbxbxbxgWhere stories live. Discover now