1- Vanilla

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My first thought as the car I am in drives past each house in Aeria is me wondering how unfair it is that they live like this.

I mean all things considered, I am in horrible trouble as it is but when you see people wearing fur coat like it's a summer dress walking a dog that looks like it was custom made, you begin to feel like you are underdressed even though you wore your leather jacket that cost you about a hundred bucks and jeans that probably did not cost you much but it meant a lot to you.

"Don't do that"

My Aunt Penelope's voice is what stops me from tapping my nails on the windows of the car as I stop to look at her.

For one thing, she is over dressed.

Not that I have any right to judge but we came from Vino, the very ugly and opposite side of Aeria which is under the state Kumari.

You know how every side has the good and the bad?

Exactly, except Vino was not just bad, it was a terrible place where the air smelt like burnt tyres and rotten eggs.

I might be the car with rolled up windows but the strong urge to wind them down and link the mint scented air of Aeria is strongly tempting.

Penelope is an aunt that I never knew I had until, well recently, which is another story that I would get into, and I must say, when I heard that I was not alone in this big old ugly world, I had been excited.

Okay, maybe too excited, the woman infront of me did not meet my expectations at all.

No, I am not vain or whatever else you want to describe how I felt, it was just that my Parents, were exceedingly beautiful, and I kid you not.

Ma was an Opera singer but stopped after she had me with black Raven hair and blue eyes that looked like the sea and ocean had a baby and Pa Well Pa was a busy man that I barely ever saw but he had blond hair as well and beautiful green eyes eyes that I always liked to look at whenever he came to visit me and Ma.

Which feels so long ago when I think about it.

Nevertheless, Aunt Penelope had grey hair, a wrinkled face and an extremely plain look about her, but when one looked past the heavy scented perfume and whatever she was wearing that looked like she stole- I mean bought from the antique store, she was quite lovely.

I know that I am a bit of a mess myself and perhaps, she is a bit anxious about meeting whoever we were going to see and not that I was, except I felt curious, I decided I was going to behave and not increase her blood pressure.

However, I think she mistook my silence and smile as annoyance and sighed, saying "I am sorry Nessa. It is just that I never expected that when I would see you again after so long, it would mean me losing you"

I want to tell her that she was not losing me, that she would have definitely lost me if she had let me be taken to Vino's Penitentiary.

Hell, no one survived there, not even rats.

And I might be a lot of things, but I would never ever pass a day there.

But I say nothing, because for the first time in my life, it is nice to believe that there is one person who doesn't think I'm bad luck, a klutz or just practically possessed.

"But I know that this would be a good thing" Aunt Penelope flashes me a smile, a smile that tells me that whatever she is about to say would make the fake smile I am trying so hard to keep shatter "It would help cure that illness of yours"

And there it is folks.

Now the last person that had said those words to me ended up bleeding and throwing so many religious profanities but I digress.

VANILLA // POLY~wxbxbxbxbxbxgWhere stories live. Discover now