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Next morning as they planned Rohit and Virat mailed Dada about their decisions and they left for Virat's home.

When they arrived to the house Ritika and Anushka were already sitting in the hall having coffee.
As Ritika and Anushka saw them they both went and hugged them.

Rohit hugged Ritika tightly by which Ritz understood how disturbed he was. And at the side when Anushka hugged Virat he didn't hug her back due to which she understood that how tense he was.

Virat just excused himself and went in his room.He watched the photos of him and Mahi bhai which were on the table. He just slumped down crying .. just don't know what to do.

Rohit asked - Ritz when did u arrive here ?

Ritika - I came in the morning .. Mahi bhai called me asking where u and Virat were ?

Anushka - He sounded really tensed but when we asked the reason he just said that it is about some prank or something

Ritika - "We understood something is wrong so I came here because we knew u would come here first"

Anushka - "Is it about Bhai's retirement?"

Rohit just nodded as it was very hard for him to speak about it. Anushka - "Are u both okay ? Is Virat okay ?"

Rohit - "Don't know what to feel right now .. Virat is taking it too hard right now."

Ritika - "U be with him .. we will bring something to eat and coffee for both of u"

Rohit nodded and went to Virat's room and saw him slumped against the bed with photo clutching it hard to his chest and crying.

Rohit - "Virat get hold of yourself.. we have to accept it sooner or later"

Virat - "I can't Rohit .. I can't accept it .. I don't want to"

Rohit - "I know even I don't want to but we have to tell Dada our decisions okay .. so be strong .. come on get up and get freshen up .. Anu and Ritz are bringing coffee and breakfast"

Virat nodded and said - "Ro u are okay na"

Rohit just nodded in No and in no time Virat hugged him tightly to let his emotions out. Rohit also shed his tears not knowing how to accept it all. Virat didn't know what to say so he just rubbed his back to calm him down and support him.

Rohit just sat there himself not knowing what to do now. Suddenly everything seemed blur. He never thought the until now that how important Mahi bhai had become to them.

After some time they freshen up and were in the hall sipping coffee. Virat and Rohit both were lost in their thoughts. Ritika and Anushka were sitting beside trying to distract them but nothing was working. They just held their hands and sat in silence supporting them.

Their silence was broken with the doorbell. Anushka opened it and saw Mahi bhai, Dada with Bhuvi,Ash and Jaddu.

Dada asked softly - "Are they here ?"

Anushka nodded and gestured them to come in. They all came inside and saw Virat and Rohit sitting there so lost that they still didn't notice them.
Mahi saw their state - Both of them had red and puffy eyes due to crying. They both looked weak and exhausted.

Anushka and Ritika nudged both of them and just left from there to give them all privacy. Rohit and Virat came out of their thoughts and were shocked to see Mahi bhai standing there.

Mahi just looked at them and he could see how much pain,hurt and anger their eyes had.

Rohit just said formally - "Dada our meeting was tomorrow right ? We will meet u in the office for the discussion"

Virat said gaining his strength not wanting to shake his voice due to emotions- "We will meet u before the team meeting. Tomorrow we will gather anyway in the hotel for upcoming series. So we can finalise everything before that"

Bhuvi said - "You both are not thinking straight okay .. don't do anything stupid"

Ash said - Bhuvi is right .. u both are right now too emotional to take any decision .. so take time .. cool down and take back your mail

Mahi said sternly not able to take it anymore - "You are not finalising anything .. do u hear me ? Don't think emotionally"

Virat was so angry and emotional right now listening go Mahi's words .. he just composed himself and said  - "We are capable of taking our decisions .. Bhuvi,Ash we have thought this through the night .."

Mahi said again - "No you are not capable of it"

Rohit got hint of Virat's anger as he clutched his fist tight to control himself. Rohit put his hand on his fist and rubbed it to calm him down but it didn't work.

Virat chuckled sadly and said - "Ofcourse we are not capable according to you .. Am I right ? After all these years we were not capable enough to gain your trust ? Right ?"

As soon as Virat said that he didn't regret but it was hurting him and Rohit. He just turned not to face Mahi as tears made way through. Rohit was rubbing his arms to calm him down.

Dada was watching all this sadly. He never knew that Virat and Rohit would have this effect after Mahi's retirement. He never knew their emotions were this extreme towards Mahi.

Mahi himself was regretting now not telling them but that doesn't mean they should take stupid decisions. He was also very emotional right now and angry,worried at them because they left without informing him.

Mahi angrily - "That is not the point right now ! You should think before taking stupid decisions.. Can't u once think properly"

Dada - "Calm down Mahi"

Rohit said now getting angry and having tears in his eyes - "If these are stupid decisions then let them b na why are u here then .. to change our decisions .. let me tell you it is not gonna happen"

Virat replied turning back his face full of tears - "Rohit is right .. We are not gonna take back the mail .. We are going to go to the board tomorrow and final that."

Their friends Jaddu,Ash and Bhuvi were feeling so miserable right now to see them like this. This was the first time Mahi bhai was fighting with Rohit and Virat. They never saw them like this angry at each other .. shouting at each other.

2nd chapter in a day

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