Chapter Twelve

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Dracula arrived at the party with Valerie their arms linked, he still felt a little uneasy about his father coming to the party but with Valerie at his side he was able to mostly ignore it.

"Amazing party" a red monster with one huge eye complemented when Dracula and Valerie walked past.

Dracula just chuckled in reply while Valerie thanked the monster before they spotted Johnny in his costume that looked like a crappy version of Dracula, the Gary Oldman version.

"So what do you think?" Johnny asked.

"This is your vampire costume? What are you nuts?" Dracula asked him.

"I ordered it online, it was the only place that delivered overnight" Johnny said trying to defend the crappy costume.

"You look like you got a baboon's butt on your head, have you at least practiced your voice? You can't just talk like a hippie" Dracula said.

"I'm not a hippie, i'm a slacker" Johnny said proudly, crossing his arms.

"Talk like a vampire" Dracula told him.

"My name is count Jonafang, i am a vampire" Johnny said doing a silly impression, which made Valerie snort a little bit.

"Okay, vampires don't go around saying "I am a vampire"" Dracula said.

"Sorry, i am count Jonafang, bleh ble bleh" he tried again.

"Are you kidding me?" Dracula asked.

"I'm sorry, i'm nervous!" Johnny said.

"Yeah listen, if you think i don't like it you definitely don't want to say "Bleh ble bleh" in front of my father" Dracula told him.

"Just relax Johnny, drop the dudes and bros and you'll be fine" Valerie assured him before she felt a chill go up her spine.

It was like the cold hand of death was hovering over her shoulder and she jumped when a hand landed on her shoulder.

Adrian chuckled a bit "Didn't mean to scare you sis, so how do i look?" he then asked stepping back to let her take a look.

He was wearing an all black baggy outfit with a hooded cape over his shoulders and black gloves on his hand, aside from his face every inch of skin was covered.

"I like it but i'm confused as to what it is" Valerie said.

"I'm a grim reaper, dear sister" Adrian explained, there was something in his eyes that told Valerie he wasn't just playing along for the costume party but before she could ask a distraction appeared.

"Sir, master Kakie has arrived" a suit of armor reported.

"Oh hey, Drac this is Brandon aka Kakie, we got him for Dennis" Johnny explained referring to himself and Mavis.

"Hey man" Brandon greeted.

"Nauseated to meet you" Dracula greeted back, Valerie nudged him as a warning to behave.

"When does this happen? I got a book fair in half an hour" Brandon said looking absolutely done with life.

"That's just fine, we'll start in about fifteen minutes, in the meantime there's room for you to get into costume" Valerie said pointing over to the side room.

"Okay, thank you miss" Brandon said before the doors to the party hall were flung open with a loud bang.

"Alright, where's my vampson?" Vlad asked standing at the door way.

"Oh please, still has to make a dramatic entrance" Dracula grumbled, Valerie giggled a little at that 'Like you aren't dramatic' she thought.

"Dad! Look at you!" Dracula greeted, jumping infront of Brandon, hiding him.

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