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Arthur notices Merlin's weird behavior the very same day. His gorgeous blue eyes avoid meeting the prince's own. His hands avoid lingering on him. And worst of all, he talks far less and is uncharacteristically eager to do his chores.

Arthur hates it.

Hates this rift that he's made between them.

He just wants things to be back to normal. A week passes before he finds the courage to say anything.

It's a night like any other, with Merlin doing his regular work around his room. Arthur's eyes never leave him, as he thinks of ways to bring up the subject.

"Something's been bothering you.", he settles for that, letting worry lace his tone as he sits back in his chair.

"Not really.", Merlin mumbles, but doesn't look at him.

"Oh, come on, don't think I haven't noticed how eager you are to get out of my sight.", annoyance and anger slip and he tries to reel back his emotions before he starts to yell.

Merlin glances at him, "I'm not. I'm just doing my job."

"It's more than that.", Arthur whispers, fidgeting with his hands on the table. 

Merlin halts for a moment, bites his lip and then continues sorting out Arthur's clothes.

The prince waits, hopeful that he will eventually get the answers he so desperately needed. That they would finally talk and go back to the way things were.

Merlin turns a few minutes later, eyes cast downward, "Do you remember anything, from the night after the feast?"

There it is.

Arthur took a deep breath, suddenly very embarrassed and unable to speak. He settled for a nod that made Merlin's face go white as a sheet.

"Then you know why-"

"No, I don't.", Arthur snaps, balling his fists where he sits, shoulders tensing, "If you're disgusted by me-"

"Of course not.", Merlin says as if it's the most obvious thing, finally looking up, "I was just- worried. I thought if you remembered, you would sack me. So, I tried to keep my distance.", he explains solemnly. 

They both let silence fall between them, Arthur staring intently at his hands. This is silly, he thinks. Of course Merlin's worried, he has every right to be. This job is all he has in Camelot. Acknowledging that night would mean having to leave, or worse, be executed.  

"Merlin-", he starts, but Merlin interrupts, "If you do want that, I won't argue."

Arthur rolls his eyes, "Merlin."

But he interrupts again, sounding more and more agitated, "Because at the end of the day, you're the prince and it's your decision and everything-"

"Merlin!", the prince yells, standing from his chair.

"Yes, sire?"

Arthur sighs, taking a step closer, "I'm not going to sack you."

"You're not?", Merlin asks, a smile tugging at his lips, his eyes shining. Arthur can't help but roll his eyes, shaking his head fondly. 

Why did he have to go and fall in love with the biggest dumbass in all of Camelot?

"No.", he settles with a smile and contemplates saying more than that. But then, Merlin walks closer, and before Arthur can blink, has his arms around him.

Arthur accepts the gesture.

It says a lot more than either of them can with words.

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