Forgotten Promises

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And so it is the shorter story... no love, no glory... no hero in her sky

                                                                                          -Damien Rice 'The Blowers Daughter'


"Nikaus." Elijah's voice called to his brother before Klaus had the chance to set the coffin containing the desecrated body of a member of his family on fire. He had been using it as an allure to bring his mother out of hiding and tell him where she had been hiding Elijah.

Klaus seemed surprised upon seeing his brother and was immediately suspicious. Elijah turned and entered the house behind him without another word and Klaus followed along cautiously. It was an old place that had been set on fire at some time ago and burnt out, leaving the inside charred and blackened with soot.

Elijah stood in the middle of the main room tapping his finger on an old and now destroyed piano, but it still had a little sound on it as Elijah hit the keys. The vampire's head shot up to look at an approaching Klaus. "You seem troubled. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were worried." Elijah stated quite calmly.

"What has she done to you?" Klaus asked, trying to keep the concern out of his voice and off his face. It was an emotion the hybrid tried to avoid. He wasn't a robot... not necessarily, but he didn't like to display his weaknesses, even struggling with his brother of a thousand years, so it would seem.

"A thousand years of murder... mayhem, and mother still thinks she can save our souls." Elijah answered still utterly calm. He left the piano and walked over to his brother. "She wants to talk." He stated. "Perhaps we should listen."

Klaus looked down at the floor, a small smile briefly appearing at the corner of his mouth. This was not his brother. He grabbed a near by chair and flung it at the illusion that took Elijah's form. "Enough!" Klaus shouted, "of your petty illusions, Esther." He continued in a calm voice. "Where is Elijah?"

"He's preoccupied." Esther replied, coming out of the shadows and revealing herself. Of course Elijah was still asleep, dreaming of the past that he had forced out of his mind for so long. What Klaus saw was simply another one of Esther's spells she had created through the use of Elijah's blood. "I'm helping him find his way." Esther stated. "But not to worry... I'll return him to you. All I ask is that you hear me out."

"You expect me to sit through a sermon of your lies?"

"I have lied in the past... to my shame." She admitted. "I'm going to tell you the truth... I'm in the process of making Elijah into the man he was meant to be and I intend to do the same... with you."

"And how do you plan on doing that?"

"All your life, all you've ever thought of was your own conquests."

"Oh, I'm sorry, is this some sort of motherly critique? Please feel free to choke on it." Klaus spat, not caring for what his mother had to say, only that his brother be returned to him. It was a little too late, and their relationship a little beyond repair, for him to begin listening to her motherly advice and judgments. 

"I've mentioned you're failings only to make a point, my dear. You've endured life times of misery, not to mention the suffering you've caused others... even to your own blood. You yourself remain trapped in a perpetual state of despair. I have come to offer you a means to escape that cycle." She said almost proudly.

"I've had about all of the hypocrisy I can take... I suggest you give me my brother before I get angry."

"Such hatred... it breaks my heart to see you like this, the boy I loved..."

Losing Your Memory (The Originals/The Vampire Diaries) Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now