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After a few years of being together, John finally asked for permission from Mr. And Mrs. Oliver for marriage and they said Yes. John proposed to Samantha and fortunately, she said Yes. They got married after a few months of being engaged. After a week of being married, another family dinner happened with both sides of the family. They had a great time during the dinner. Mr. Josh Velasquez instructed John to buy something in the supermarket. He then said, "Ok, father I will go now." Mr. Dave Oliver said, "I'll go with you." John replied, "No, I'll go on my own, uncle." Dave asked John "You called your parents 'father' and 'mother' right? John replied, "Yes." Dave replied, "Then you should call me 'dad' from now on." Mrs. Oliver also said, "John, call me 'mom' from now on!" John replied to his parents-in-law in a shy manner "Ok, mom and dad." And he added "Dad, let's go to the supermarket." Josh talked to Samantha "From now on, calle me 'dad' because you call your parents 'father' and 'mother'. Bella also said "Samantha, call me 'mom' from now on!" Samantha then smiled and replied to her parents-in-law "Ok, mom and dad." Jonathan was with her wife Roni and her sister-in-law Samantha that time. He then said to Samantha, "I guess we are siblings now. Welcome to our family!" Samantha then replied, "Yes, it's still unbelievable! Thanks brother!" Roni and Samantha also became close because they were both a daughter-in-law of the Velasquez family. After a few years of marriage between John and Samantha, they had a son and a daughter. They were still happy with their families.

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