waterPARKS (Gawsten)

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(sorry for so much Gawsten lol this idea just made a lot of since for these two)
green hair Awsten
Double dare Geoff
WoRdS: 2569

Awsten was a femboy and he fucking loved skirts. Especially mini skirts. His best friend, Geoff, thought that it was adorable and he made sure to compliment him every day. Awsten would always blush at the compliments. Both boys were pretty much in love with each other but never really made it official. Aside from the two flirting religiously and tickle fighting that was as physical as it got. But as of late Geoff was being pretty touchy. In the car he would rest his hand on awsten's though, he came up behind Awsten and hugged him and sometimes he would say "love ya" when he got off the phone with Awsten. highlighter head was almost certain Geoff was trying to make him fall for him.

It was working.  Awsten knight fell for Geoff and he fell fucking hard. He had a small crush on his friend forever but now he full on craved the masculine boy. He wanted him to pin his small wrists above his head and make him squirm to be touched. Wanted Geoff to mark his neck with purple bruises and bite marks going all the way down to his visible ribs. The small boy knew he wasn't going to just magically make his best friend fuck him so he was going to play Geoff's little game. This was now a competition.

Awsten looked in the mirror. He had on a cute pastel purple mini skirt and white thigh highs with pink thigh guards and
A pink cropped hoodie. Today was pretty much just a normal day and the three boys, Otto, Geoff and Awsten, were going to the park again tonight. They had gone last week but Awsten wanted to go again. Awsten and Otto were room mates and usually carpooled but Otto called off, saying he wanted some alone time. Awsten took this opportunity to be alone with his extremely hot best friend so he didn't tell him Otto wasn't coming. Just Incase Geoff also decided to call off.

The green obsessed boy finished applying his lipgloss and threw it on his dresser then snatched up his keys. He decided he was ready and called out to Otto.

"Later boy toy!" He said jokingly, then ran out the door. The springy haired doll either didn't reply or Awsten didn't hear because, truthfully, he didn't care. He wanted to see Geoff as soon as possible. Withought wasting any time Awsten spurred out of his driveway and pulled up to the park. Just in time to see his friend close the door of his old pickup truck. Before Awsten could open his door, Geoff did it for him. Obviously he blushed.

"Hey angel" the muscular man said grabbing the twinks hand and helping him out of his Honda. It was only then that Geoff realized how fucking hot Aws looked. He was such a pretty boy. Awsten was still a little flustered from the nickname, usually Geoff got there before Awsten but he was in such a hurry that he didn't even realize what time it was. Awsten pulled out his phone.

"6:45pm" he muttered. Usually he got there at 7:00 to 7:11 just when it was getting dark but today it was different. Instead of going to the boys spot on the swings to find Geoff sitting there waiting he was met with the boy arriving at the same time. The sun was peeking though the trees threatening to go down so he wasnt too worried about people seeing him smoking pot. The whole place was pretty empty anyways. Aside from a few other teenagers most likely doing the same or worse.

The two walked in silence to their spot. It was in the back of the playground and it was just a couple swings lined up. Four regular and two for babies. They sat in the regular ones obviously and they lit their joint, only then beginning their new found conversation. "So...whats with the outfit? Looking much sluttier than usual pretty boi" Geoff passed the joint to Aws. He hit it and started to swing.

"It felt nice out. Plus, I was hoping some hottie would compliment the way it made my ass look." Awsten smirked looking at Geoff.  He sat there on the swing, carving his name into the wooden post with a pocket knife. He looked up only to take the weed back from Awsten. He smirked as well.

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