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Once we both decided to leave we ran up stairs and got our stuff together, we were happy that we were leaving ! JASON looked at me and pulled me into his arms and said delilah YOU ARE THE BEST GIRLFRIEND I EVER HAD! while smiling i looked at him and we started to dance in the sunlight in his room. THAT DAY HE WAS WEARING SOME BLUE SKINNY JEANS AND A FALLING IN REVERSE T - shirt ! jason you are the hottest boyfriend i ever had : i said then our favorit song came on it was fall out boy americans suitheart then our part favorit came on we started to rock out i jumped on his bed and started to play the air guitar and he was singing ENCORE ENCORE : he said i jumped off his bed at the end of the drum solo. when we got through playing around we leaft his house and we headed off to my old house to drop of my stupid dad! then we head to a little suberbs community.

DELILAHWhere stories live. Discover now