LETH: Elaborate

24 4 10

Classified Imperial Base
Level Balcony
LST: 03:10:45 // DAY: 14

Captain Mech makes his way into the turbolift. He presses the button that takes him to Level 03. He leans against the far wall of the lift hanging his head unable to stop thinking about what Sparkstick said in the messhall. After another incident in the Sim Pad, Taipan hadn't shown up for evening PT and he hadn't seen her with the other TK-troopers. What if she told the Admiral? The 'lift comes to a stop. He steps off. Maybe she has something else planned. Amnesty perhaps for turning them in.

"Stow it," he says to himself as if it were his CO telling him to knock off the chatter. He shakes his head as he comes up to Medical Bay 02. Assuming things gets you nowhere.

The medical door slides open. Taipan is standing off to the right side of the room with her back to him talking to Tapcaf. Her right shoulder dips to the side as if nurturing an injury.

"Evening, Mech," says Tapcaf glancing over Taipan's shoulder which isn't difficult. They are all at least a full head taller than her maybe more.

Taipan slowly turns holding a bacta cold pack to her face and watches Mech approach with her good eye. A half smile forms on her busted lips.

"Good news, I'm hoping," says Mech removing his helmet.

Taipan nods. She then takes a shallow breath.

Tapcaf eyes her with the shared sixth sense all commandos have to sniff out the injury. The medic's brow furrows. "Let me see."

"It's nothing. Just some slight bruising," says Taipan shaking her head.

"It's a good idea not to get on the medic's bad side," says Mech giving her a knowing look. "Rule thirty-nine, never say no to bacta," He doesn't have to think which rule it is. The words simply form in his mouth from flash learning. Memory is a useful thing.

"When it comes to the health and safety of the squad," Tapcaf says deadpan, "I outrank everyone. It's in my job description to sedate anyone who resists medical attention."

Taipan sighs and lifts her arms. Tapcaf swipes a scanning rod over her torso which will send an image to his datapad. She holds her side  when he turns to his device and says, "I'm just glad the TK-trooper didn't shoot me otherwise I don't think Blue Team would have won."

"So care to explain what happened out there," says Mech hooking a thumb behind his belt buckle.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask that farm boy?"


"No, TK-Seven-Fifty-Two."

"You did a number on his trachea. I don't think he's in the mood to talk."

Taipan grunts with a smirk. "Don't make me laugh."

Mech frowns still slightly shocked by her animalistic tendencies. "TK-Seven-Fifty-Two died on scene and Seven-Fifty-Three is in the ICU."

"I guess Commander Sid didn't let me off the hook after all." Taipan adjusts the cold pack on her still swollen cheek.

At first, when Mech saw the trooper throw the punch he thought Taipan had said something but when the other started wailing on her, there was something wrong. Her unnaturally pale face is tinted red and purple which will be black by tomorrow. I wish I could've gotten there faster.

Tapcaf sighs annoyed and shakes his head activating a 3-D projection on the datapad. "Why didn't you come in sooner."

The hologram comes to life, slowly turning, and displays Taipan's rib cage. A red injury circle pulses around two lower ribs on her right side.

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