ESK: Blasters

21 3 0

Classified Imperial Base
Blaster Range 08
LST: 11:05:36 // DAY 04

Taipan breaths out slowly and squeezes the blaster trigger. The bolt zips down range hitting the target with a metallic ping leaving a black carbon score on its head. The targets are cutout biped silhouettes. Solid red circles mark the critical points on the target and are ringed with red as the lines spread out from the points. The rifle surprisingly has little to no recoil. She takes care to empty the magazine.

"Cease fire!" Says Captain Mech loud enough to be heard over the blaster shots. "Rifles down!"

The shooting dies to a stop. "Now that you're familiar with the long-range DC-15x sniper. Go ahead and return the snipers to retrieve a DC-15A. Targets will be moved to mid-range. Load your blaster and await my command."

The gun racks are mounted to the wall opposite of the shooting booths. Ammo crates had been hauled in from the armory prior to the start of this training exercise. They are set next to their corresponding blasters.

Taipan waits for the other recruits to swap weapons before returning the sniper to its rack. Next to the twenty or so snipers is another rack housing the DC-15A blaster rifles. She selects the medium-sized blaster, retrieves a power-charge magazine from the ammo crate, and returns back to her shooting booth. A small counter separates the booth from the firing lane where she lays down the blaster rifle. She picks up the magazine and looks over the blaster for its slot.

"Magazines go on the right side of the blaster," says the Captain. His voice is still loud addressing all the recruits. Taipan peeks out around the booth looking down the line of shooting lanes at Captain Mech.

He just nods. "Fire when ready!"

Taipan manages to slam the magazine home. She snugs the butt of the rifle into her shoulder, aligns the sights to the head of the target, and squeezes the trigger.

The rifle kicks up a little with every shot but the shot scattering remains tight within the second ring of lines.

"Here's something to keep you on your toes, recruits," says the Captain.

Taipan doesn't take her eyes off the target as it makes a jarring noise and slides backward into its long-range distance.

Captain Mech's voice slowly walks behind the booths. "Keep firing, recruits! Do not stop until you've emptied the magazine."

Taipan squeezes off a few more rounds before the target slides into close range again. Instead of going for headshots, she adjusts her aim for body shots as the target moves to mid and then long-range repeatedly.

"Make sure to keep that rifle tight against your shoulder," says the Captain.

Out of Taipan's peripheral vision, the Captain steps into a booth next to her's.

"Keep the blaster pointed down range!... Give me that!" There's some scuffling before he says, "Go! Get out! On your face and don't stop 'till I say so, recruit."

"Teach you to point a blaster at your CO." He mumbles under his breath. 'Course he might have forgotten to switch off the external comms on his helmet but maybe he wanted Taipan to hear him. "I'll blast your TK face for insubordination."

Taipan finds the Captain's annoyance with the TK-trooper rather amusing. Her gun clicks empty. She frowns at it for a second not sure why it stopped then ejects the spent magazine setting both the rifle and mag on the counter. Other recruits continue shooting until the range falls silent.

"Excellent, recruits," says the Captain stepping out of the booth and stands a few feet back from Taipan's. "Rack up the rifle and pick up the DC-15 blaster pistols. These side arms are your best friends in a jam."

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