DORN: Bootcamp

19 4 0

Classified Imperial Base
Training Sim Pad 003
LST: 14:31:04 // DAY: 02

Captain Mech stands alone observing recruit Squad-59 engage in sparring rounds of hand-to-hand combat. From the balcony, the commando can see an aerial view of the advanced recruits. The layout of the arena is mostly flat except for the dip in the center. Rectangles and circles mark out areas where barricades, pillars, and training equipment can be erected to simulate various environments. When not in use the objects remain below the arena.

The recruits from the last drop-off were given the grand tour of the base on their first day. Today they're being outfitted with standard issue TK-trooper armor plates. Ten of the last batch of new recruits enter the training pad as the other squad marches out.

The Captain presses a button from the arrangement of blinking lights and screens on the balcony's console. The overhead speakers activate and he says, "Normally new troopers begin with form and marching drills. But the Admiral wants soldiers not an Imperial marching band. Let's see where your combat skills land. Begin skirmish number zero-zero-twenty-three-one."

He releases the button. "A cheap marching band," he mumbles to himself.

Training electrostaffs rise out of the floor. Lieutenant Hardcopy pairs off the first round of recruits. They swing too wide, duck too late, and strike without force. Sloppy. The Captain thinks to himself sighing.

"You get what you pay for, Emperor," he says, thankful for the seal of his helmet. He could be screaming his head off and no one could hear him even if they were standing right next to him.

One of the recruits catches his eye wielding the staff with the gracefulness of a dancer playing meshgeryoa. They disappear behind the entanglement of yellow electricity, arms, and bodies only to reappear and their opponent on the ground. It's like the choreographed fight scenes on holovids.

He keeps an eye on two other recruits as they slowly match off. Their skill is more fluid than the others. Round after round the three recruits progress through. The last two pair off for the final match.

The smaller TK-trooper swings the electrostaff. It snaps in half against the other trooper's staff. Mech's HUD identifies TK-760's armor tag as the tiny recruit. Her stance is recognizable. She dodges a swing, dives over the much larger trooper, grabs the other half of the staff, and rolls upright. She readies the two electrostaff pieces as the larger soldier makes another go.

She avoids and blocks the yellow electricity as her sticks swing through the air with pinpoint accuracy. Another trooper steps in swinging his own stick and gets a cheap blow into Taipan's side. It's a penalty interference. He spots Hardcopy's visor looking his way silently asking if he should step in. The Captain says nothing letting it slide curious to see how well Taipan can handle them.

Surprisingly she blocks, dodges, and rolls out of every strike appearing to taunt them a couple of times. She absorbs a few blows and recovers quickly. In one fluid motion, she strikes the interfering trooper with the shock stick, his body smacks into the floor— feet nearly flipping over his head— kicks him onto his back, and rams the broken end of the staff into the trooper's chest plate twisting it through.

The larger trooper swings his staff around his head, gaining momentum, and slams it into Taipan. Her body catches air. She lands on her back, hard, and rolls out from the larger trooper's follow-up haymaker. She closes the distance to the trooper smashing her fist into his right knee crippling him to her level.

THE RECRUITTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang