They will pay one day

26 2 6

I get a call
My heart falls

I answer this phone call
My best friend tells me all

She has taken 27 head cold pills
She is starting to get the chills

People told her to go die
I want to scream why

It all became to much
What people told her and such

I want to kill those people
Maybe then their words won't be so lethal

I hang up the phone call
Next I call 911

"Hello. What's your emergency"
"Im in quite a hurry"

I spill the story to the cops
They say they will be there in 5 minutes tops

I hang up the phone and pray
That she will live another day

I wait for hours
Several hours

Few days pass
How long will this last?

Then I made that call
Her mom I call

To see if her life was taken
I am still shaking

Authors note:

On Tuesday night my best friend tried to kill herself. All because lots of people at our school were telling her to go die. She had been raped about a month ago so everyone thought she was a whore and a slut. That sexual harassment was not at all her fault. she was helpless in that situation. She had called me that night and thank god I answered and then called 911. If I didn't, her precious soul would be in a casket right now and I would be wearing a black dress. Because of all those nasty comments, my friend tried to end her life. She is going to a different school so hopefully her life will be better now. People like the people at my school are all ass holes. They don't give a crap about who they are hurting. I hate those people so much. They don't even realize how their bullying affects other people. But people need to watch out. Especially those certain people at my school, because if someone hurts my friends I turn into a monster. I am very protective. Boy they have no idea what they got themselves into. I hope those people go to hell for what they have done to my best friend.

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