Chapter 14 - The Day of the Sith is Coming

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One year later

I stood on the private landing platform and watched the command shuttle approach. It had been almost three weeks since we've seen each other in person, and just the sight of his ship made me feel like a school girl. Though I couldn't see inside, I waved nonetheless. I could feel Kylo and some of the Knights as the ship hovered and began to land.

The ramp opened as it was still a meter off the ground, and I grinned wildly as he jumped to the permacrete and took large, quick steps toward me.

Wrapping his arms around my waist, he lifted me up and spun in a circle, causing me to laugh, my hands on his shoulders in surprise. He pulled his helmet off, one hand still around my waist, and then his warm lips were on mine.

When we finally pulled back, he lifted his head and glanced at all the people behind me: Padmé, a dozen royal guards, and Ap'lek and Vicrul—who chose to remain on Coruscant with me. His eyes returned to mine a moment later, ducking back into another kiss before pulling back fully.

I fell into step beside Kylo as we started toward the senate building, two Knights behind us, two royal guards in front of us.

"I missed you, Emperor."

He looked down at me, a smile playing at his lips. "I missed you too. How are you?"

I sighed. I felt really bad about not bringing this up to him sooner, but every time we spoke, one of us were rushing off the comm to attend to something before our conversation could get serious. He was here for the senate meeting I'd called, and he didn't even know why.

"Kylo, I think it's time to elect a chancellor." I felt his surprise, but continued. "It's too much for me. And I hate these senate hearings. I don't mind the work, but I'm done listening to them squabble; someone else can do it. Whoever they elect would report directly to me. We'd have it written into law that though the people—the senate—will elect them, we have the power to remove anyone from office."

"You've thought about this," he said, surprised. I nodded.

"I've already written the bill, and plan to propose it today, if you agree. I'm tired of being stuck on Coruscant and Hosnian Prime, my love."

The senate was now split into two, allowing for more productive senate hearings. They could be combined for critical hearings, but had yet to do so. The result was me flying back and forth constantly. The hearing I called today involved both groups.

"I want to see the galaxy, talk to royalty, eat with the people."

He looked at me, confused. "You wish to know the people?" I nodded and turned to him in front of the senate chambers.

"I do, my lord."

"And you don't think it risky?"

I smirked. "Everything about us is risky."

He chuckled. "Okay. I approve the electing of a chancellor."

"Thank you, your highness."

"You're welcome, your highness." I grinned and entered the senate chambers.

The rustling and conversation stopped as my pod went to the middle of the room. I felt the slight surprise at Kylo's presence; other than the Senate hearing where he announced our new positions, he's never attended another Senate meeting. I only asked him here because I felt like a change this large should be seen supported by both of us. Certain media companies have tried to portray us as enemies, only married for political reasons. Those same holonews stations love to say we're fighting, at odds, etc.

It wasn't true, and anyone that saw us together, or even saw either of us talking about the other, would have no doubt. While I was always willing to listen to criticisms of my husband—people want to be heard—the moment someone flat out disrespects him, I'm quick to let them know they've overstepped. I've never used the force on a political or military peer, even the few times someone has disrespected Kylo around me. My words, and probably my body language, have been efficient. I have heard from the Knights, however, that Kylo...well, words aren't really his thing.

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