Chapter 9 - The Supremacy

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The Supremacy was... fucking... gods, I don't know. The absolute largest ship I'd ever seen in my life. My brain was having a hard time wrapping itself around the sheer size of it. It was like a fucking metropolis.

An actual speeder had picked us up and flew us through the ship. Literally, for kilometers. I assumed Snoke had a private hanger closer to his throne room, and wondered if not letting us use it was for me. Because I was truly shaking at the sheer size of activity. There were all sorts of people on the ship, and from the sounds of one corridor, they were actually manufacturing stuff here. On a ship.

By the time we got to the lift, I was feeling every bit of the pressure. The Knights stood outside the lift door, staring at Kylo and I. They were worried by my expression, but said nothing. I gave them a halfhearted smile.

I gasped suddenly, shock and pleasure ripping me apart, my eyes flying open wildly.

"What?" Kylo asked.

"I feel my parents," I whispered. Not just one, but both...

"Block them out Rjea. Do not think about them," he said harshly. I understood. I did as he instructed, but I noticed the Knights seemed to be gaining energy. They were ready for a battle. I was too. This time, my parents' support wasn't imagined.

I shoved myself into my mother's mind, until I knew she felt me. She knew I was on the Supremacy now. Then I shut myself off completely.


"Well, well, here she is." He yanked me forward almost the moment I stepped out of the lift. I was locked in his grasp, floating through the air. I felt the oxygen leave my lungs, and my soul begin to try to fight back. I tried to cry out, conflict and pain. "The girl who brought my apprentice to his knees."

So much darkness here, so little light. We'd agreed Kylo would wait, not attack until the right moment. But I vaguely felt his fury.

My saber left my belt, flying to his grimy, wrinkled hands. Hate seared through me. How dare he grab my weapon. It is sacred, an actual part of me.

He ignited the blades, and I felt amusement and hate washing off of him. I tried to move, but was completely in his grasp. I couldn't conjure the force; the only thing I could do was continue to suck in air, and blink.

"What is this," he spat. I remembered finding the crystals, and I wasn't sure if he'd forced me to replay it or not.

"Interesting..." he snarled, watching my thoughts. He split them apart, looking at the rosy hilts, much more compact once separated. They looked like miniatures in his hands. Then he put them down on either side of him.

"You wish to kill me, girl?"

"I don't wish to serve you," I choked out, anger raging through me.

His laugh boomed through the room. "Then you will die," he spat.

He squeezed, and I felt the life begin to drain out of me. Despair consumed me. I reached out what little I could to touch Kylo's force signature, wanting to feel it one more time. He felt me, and was about to grab his saber in rage.

Then, I heard him, even through my haze. My Papa on a general broadcast. Snoke's hold loosened just enough for me to suck in a small, strangled breath, my slipping vision beginning to return.

"This is Fleet Admiral Thrawn of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet. I believe you have my daughter, Rjea. Surrender, or be destroyed." My mind tried to comprehend his voice, tried to understand. Snoke has a Chiss. The Fleet Admiral's daughter, and the Supreme General's birth daughter, though not by blood.

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