t w e n t y t w o

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"She's not quirkless."

The moment those words left the doctor's mouth, everyone let out a sigh of relieve.

"Then, why hasn't she gotten her quirk yet?" Y/n asked.

"Well, quirks usually appear after triggers. You did inform me that Katsurin here got his quirk after seeing his little sister hurt in an attack once. Katsuya may experience the same," The doctor explained.

"So, you mean to tell me that for her to get her quirk, she has to go through something traumatic so she'll get triggered?" Y/n's voice sounded mad.

"Not necessarily. It can be a happy trigger, like when she's experiencing something very exciting."

Everyone sighed in relief once again.

"Thank you so much Doc. This means so much for us." Y/n said and stood up.

"Well, seeing as you're both pro heroes, there's no doubt that your children will be too."

"That's not true!" Little Katsuya got up from her seat and pouted. "Mama said that, if I don't wanna be a hero, it's okay because it's what I want and she supports me!" Her voice raised as she pointed to the doctor.

"Well, your mother is very supportive." The doctor bent down and patted her head.

The four went to a nearby ice cream shop as soon as they left the clinic. The twins happily ate their ice cream, chattering every once in a while, the two adults in front of them silently ate theirs.

"You okay?" Katsuki broke the silence.


"You seem off earlier since we got here." He said and took a spoonful of his food.

"It's just, I think it's much safer for Katsuya to be quirkless. Honestly, I wished for her to be one." She softly spoke and looked down.

"Oh yeah?" Katsuki taunted. He scoffed, "Then how do you suppose is she gonna protect herself? Surin isn't always gonna be by her side to protect her, he's got a life of his own," Katsuki explained.

"No! I'm gonna protect 'Tsuya with my strong quirk because that's what heroes do!" Katsurin exclaimed with pride.

What Katsuki said just sinked in her mind.

"Well, your father has a point. There will always be a time where you won't be able to protect your little sister. And it's true that you have your own life," Y/n sighed.

"See? I'm always right." Katsuki added with a smug look on his face.

"But mama, it's okay! I'm a big girl now! I can protect myself! Besides, now that papa is here, he can teach me how to be brave and strong!" Katsuya joined in, her face covered with chocolate ice cream.

"Of course. Your papa is the strongest of all. I will teach you all the things you need to learn because I'm the best," Katsuki said proudly.

"About teaching and learning, " Y/n paused, suddenly remembering that the kids should've gone to daycare by now. "Remember that you two have to go to daycare?"

"Are they old enough for it?" Katsuki asks.

"Katsu. They're 4. Plus, it'll be a great place for Katsuya to get her quirk! She can socialize with people, and who knows, she can just magically manifest it!" Y/n said excitedly. "Well, that's how your father got his quirk."

"You still remember that crap?" Katsuki rolled his eyes.

"Of course! That's the day you got your quirk. It's important." Y/n proudly said while the twins looked at their parents with stars in their eyes. As Y/n was telling the whole story of how Katsuki got his quirk, the whole time Katsuki was staring at Y/n.

She was beautiful.

It made his heart flutter when she mentioned that she still remembers that special moment that was part of Katsuki.

No other woman he dated was this caring.

"And then, boom! His hands started crackling with tiny explosions!" Y/n laid our her hands.

"Wow! I wish I had gotten my quirk like that!" Katsurin beamed.

"I wish I could get my quirk like that!" Katsuya excitedly shouted as she looked at her tiny palms.

Both Y/n and Katsuki started laughing.

They looked like a happy family of four.

a/n, pls read

hallo my beloveds!

yui here! i have a few announcements for you to be informed about.

this book is about to come to an end, but do not fret!

as i have said before, the way i do my updates is that i stack chapters in my drafts and upload daily,, or once every two days because of how crappy my wifi is. in my drafts, i have about 15 chapters, all ready to be published. i figured this is a good way to gain more reads/views. instead of publishing the entire book in one drop, it'll be much better to drop a chapter at a time, a new friend recommended me that and it worked! i only have about 500 reads before i did this trick!

but anyway. i am happy to say that this book is about to close, only about 2-5 chapters left that will soon be done.

but after re-reading this entire thing, i was left unsatisfied.

there were no character development, not much screentime for our little angel twins, no relationship development, and so far y/n has yet to decide which one she will choose as her love interest. (lol).

so yes, there will be book two.

in book two, i have a few goals i want to cross over. here are some of it:

character development

relationship development

screentime for the twins (katsuya and katsurin)

more love interest

a whole arc dedicated to izuku and ochako's wedding which may point us to another arc coming up

more povs of more characters

more love interests (hmmmmm)

and so much more!

i hope this clears any confusion as to why i have slow updates, and hopefully does not ruin the surprise that i have yet to offer in the upcoming book two. thank you so much for the support until now!

i am about to open a qna soon as well as some requests for certain parts of the story.  i love interacting with my readers so i can learn their perspective about this book, if there are parts they do not like, i can do better in the future, that type of stuff. so if you have questions, suggestions, comments, leave them in the comment section on this part!

also, i might create some tiktoks to advertise this book. follow me yhere for updates! @yuichanisyuichan !

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