s i x t e e n

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"Mama! I don't want him to sleep in our house!" Katsurin whined.

Y/n was about to open her mouth, but a little girl did it a bit faster before she could open her mouth.

" 'Tsurin-niichan! That's not nice!" Katsuya scolded him, a piece of rolled paper hitting the boy's head.

"Katsuya! Don't hit your big brother!" Y/n scolded her.

"But mama! He was being mean to papa again!"

"Still, we don't hit people just because they don't agree with us. Okay? Don't hurt people just because we have different thoughts and opinions. Your brother will eventually love your dad, just like how you love him!"

"It's alright, Y/n. He has every right to hate me." Katsuki joined in, carefully picked up Katsuya before leaving the living room.

Y/n just realized that Katsuki gave her an opportunity to talk to her son.

"Katsurin," Y/n knelt on the floor, in front of the little boy.

"It's okay if you don't like your papa. Even I don't like him," Y/n sighed.

"Then why do you still let him here? I don't know why Katsuya is so close with him. I'm trying hard to protect her from that old man--I hate him! I'm scared that he might hurt her!" The little boy whined, tears on his eyes threatening to fall.

"Oh Katsurin... He's still your dad. He didn't do anything wrong to you, or to me! The reason why you didn't meet him before is because of me, it's my fault. Now that you're with your dad, don't you wanna grab this opportunity and be happy now that you have a complete family?"

"I know, mama... "

"Your sister is just upset because you're showing that kind of attitude towards your dad, but I understand. It's hard to adjust to things that happened so suddenly. But you'll warm up to him and be close with him, just like your sister! Maybe, you can even get to make him teach you about your quirk! If anyone knows and has experience on explosions, it'll be Katsuki Bakugou. Your dad." Y/n smiled and pat his head.

Katsurin looked up at her and smiled. He spreads his arms wide and hugs her.

"I love you, mama. You and Katsuya. And uncle Deku. And grandma Inko. And auntie Ochako. And maybe p-papa--K-Katsuki too," Katsurin said with a smile, his hug eventually got tighter.

"That's the spirit, 'Tsurin! Now go ahead and sleep now." Y/n let got of him and he ran towards their room.

"P-Papa!" Katsurin stuttered when he entered. His cheeks turned a light shade of pink, while Y/n only giggled from behind him.

Katsuki's eyes widened. Not once had Katsurin called him by that, only some insults that he could think of. His heart jumped in his chest.

"Can you not sleep in our room? We're not gonna fit," Katsurin looked at the floor, all shy.

"If t-that's what you want," Katsuki also looked away, his face in a deep shade of red. Y/n and Katsuya both burst out laughing at the same time.

"You can sleep in mama's room!" Katsuya suggested.

"No, no. He is not sleeping in my room."

"Why not, mama?" Katsuya innocently asked.

"Because I said so--"

"Because then you'd be having another brother or sister," Katsuki said as he stood up, cutting off Y/n from speaking. He left the room and went to the living room.

Y/n's mouth went wide, as well as his eyes.

"Mama? You're gonna make a baby? I want a girl to play with!"

"No! Mama and papa are gonna give us a boy baby! So we can play!"

"Katsuya, Katsurin! We are not making a baby! We are not gonna talk about this again!" Y/n scolded, her face flushed red.

"Why not, mama?"

"How do you make babies, anyway?"

"Let's ask papa!"

Y/n closed the door before the twins could even get down from their bed.

"No. Your papa is tired and so am I. You two will go to sleep." Y/n explained and tucked the twins in their bed.

"Will papa still be there when we wake up?" Katsuya asked.

"Mhm," Y/n hummed. "If you don't sleep, he's gonna leave. But if you do, he's gonna stay and you can spend all day with him tomorrow. Sound fun?"


"Sleep now, you two. Mama has to go to work tomorrow, and Papa Katsuki's gonna play with you both. Good night!" Y/n kissed both of their foreheads as usual, and turned the lights off, quietly leaving the room.

Y/n saw Katsuki on the couch. He was a bit too.. big, to sleep on it, to say the least. His muscle-y arms can barely fit, the other arm was hanging off of the couch. His feet were raised up, but the rest of his knees and feet were hanging as well. He just looked... uncomfortable.

"Hey," Y/n called, the man only groaned.

"You can sleep on my bed, I'll sleep here on the couch."


"Stop being fucking stubborn. Just get on the damn bed." Y/n sternly said and pointed to the direction of the room. Her room.

"Geez, wanna get dicked down so bad?" Katsuki smugly retorted.

"Fuck off, I have standards when it comes to that," Y/n proudly replied

"Bet I exceed those standards,"

'Now he was just being a dick,'

"Sorry, but finishing first and having a dick smaller than my toes don't really fit the criteria."


Y/n was just waltzing to her bed to get a bunch of pillows since, well, she is sleeping on the couch. But was surprised when she was suddenly carried and thrown on the bed. It happened too fast that it didn't register in her head first, when her back hit the soft mattress, only then she realized.

Katsuki got on top of her, his hands caging her from any possible escapes. He looked down on her with a smug smile.

She may have had the last words, but he had already won.

"Get the fuck away from me," Y/n threatened, but Katsuki only leaned in for a deep kiss. Y/n tried to break away, but he was far too strong for her to put up a fight.

"Katsuki I swear to Shoto's ass I will cut your dick off if you don't get the fuck away from me," This made Katsuki scramble away from her, but only landing right next to her. He laughed.

But once he had calmed down, "Are you and that half and half bastard going out?"

"No." Y/n simply answered then sat up.

"Good." He grabbed her arm and pulled her back down, only to wrap his arms around her waist and neck.

"Stay. Let's just stay this way for a bit."

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