Meet Percy

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Me and Harry looked identical... our messy, black hair was the exact same shade and I shared his bright green eyes. So when Remus Lupin came up to me in Diagon Ally and told me I was adopted, I thought it was a joke but it wasn't.

"But- that's not possible..." I said "I got a Hogwarts letter!".
"Yes. You did. I can't explain that, maybe your Mother or farther was a witch or wizard? Maybe your muggle born" he said in such a serious tone that I had to believe him "I'm just trying to say... I met one baby when you were supposedly born not two".

The news was so shocking that I just couldn't deal with standing right in front of him.
"It was nice to meet you... bye!" I said and ran off to where Hagrid had told me to meet them.

The rest of the day, that was all I could think about... And the more I thought about it the more it started to make sense. I could see things and do things Harry couldn't. I would sometimes catch Aunt Petunia muttering about how she was only told there was one Potter child not two. The one sentence Remus Lupin said to me had flipped my life upside down.

My chain of thought broke when Harry repeatedly tapped my shoulder.
"What?" I answered.
"Come on! We're going to get our wands!" He told me, pulling at my arm.
"Okay okay" I replied "I'm coming!".

So we walked into an old looking shop called olivanders. It was quiet in there and nobody was at the front desk.
"Hello?" Harry said ringing the bell.
"I've been wondering when I'd be seeing you Mr Potter and Mr Potter" an old man said suddenly appearing "seems only yesterday... your Mother and Farther were here buying their first wands".
"I'll do you first" he said pointing at Harry.
"Hhmm how about this" he said handing Harry a wand. Harry just held it.
"Well give it a wave!" He said.
Harry waved the wand causing wand boxes to shoot out of the shelves.
"Apparently not" he said looking at the pile of wands on the floor.

I hope getting my wand doesn't go this badly... that would be just embarrassing.
"Perhaps this" he said passing Harry another wand. Let's just say it went just as badly as the first.
"I wonder..." he said passing Harry a final wand. When Harry held the wand in his hand, the room got a lot brighter and the air got warmer for a second.
"Yikes" he said "very curious...".
"Sorry but what's curious?" Harry asked.
"Yeah?" I said agreeing with Harry.
"I remember every wand I've sold... it so happens that that the phoenix that's tail feather resides in your wand gave another feather, just one other. It is curious that you should be destined for this wand when its brother... gave you that scar".
Wow. If I was Harry, I don't know if I'd want that wand...
"And who owned that wand?" He asked.
"We do not speak his name" he said "the wand chooses the wizard Mr Potter. It's not always clear why... but I think it is clear we can expect great things from you after all he who must not be named did great things, terrible yes but great".
This situation felt so awkward that I wanted to leave the shop but I still needed my wand.
"Now you" he said turning to face me. He walked over to get a wand.
He passed me a darkish wooden wand.
It flew out my hand and smacked the old man on the nose.
"I'm so sorry!" I said sincerely.
He rubbed his nose the said "it seems an ordinary wand won't work for someone special like you... but no matter I have one wand just for people like you". He passed me a shining bronze looking wand with blueish green gems. It was beautiful. The second it touched my hand a strong smell of the sea came to my nostrils and water circled around me, it disappeared after a few seconds.
"I knew it..." the man said "you're special like me, the border between myths and magic...".

I wanted to ask him so many questions but Hagrid appeared outside the window of the shop holding an owl cage. I quickly payed the man and ran out the shop.
"Happy birthday!" Hagrid said passing Harry a snowy white owl. Then a grey kitten with one brown eye and one blue eye hopped onto my shoulder.
"Thank you so much Hagrid!" me and Harry said in sync.
I stroked the small kitten as it nuzzled it's head in my shoulder. But it wasn't my birthday... if I was adopted my birthday could've been in April. I could already be 11. No stop Percy... but my ADHD wouldn't allow me to stop thinking about it.

"Percy!" Harry said tapping my shoulder again "you keep zoning out are you okay?".
Should I tell him? No I'll leave it for when we're alone.
"I'm fine... I'm just a bit shocked about how we're wizards and all that" I said lying smoothly.
"Yeah it's pretty weird isn't it?" Harry said laughing.
"Yep" I agreed.

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