The battle is lost...

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They had faith in me more faith then I had in myself and I failed them...I fell silent into the void for a final time to be confronted by myself a young happy version of myself a past version me before it all became a nightmare a sick actions washed over me accordingly as I slowly fell onto the ground taking the last of the laser rounds as my gun slowly fired into a silence and a breaking...the final few seconds met by a friend calling my name telling me to hold onto life to not slip...I awakened to nothing naked and alone in a place where no harm can come to me and I can cause no harm...I was finally at peace at rest knowing I had finally escaped the nightmare I had made it to my freedom at last...or so I thought my nightmare was all but beginning...I awoke to see modern medicine at work with a friend sitting there next to me holding my hand...with a vague memories of what had happened before my awakening...three days had passed in that time three days of silence three days of rest...not knowing if it was worth to even go on anymore since the incident I was not able to see another reason to live on...I reached for my side arm to find it was not there anymore nothing I had been wearing was prior to the incident was the friend explained what happened I only tried to pick up where I left off trying to make up for what was lost even though I knew it could never be made the end it was something unpredictable but in the end it was right...

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