Chapter 10 - Seattle

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                             overcome my writer's block, I wanted to write from a new point of view, and I ended up just creating a new character. This chapter is all about Aro "collecting" vampires with special abilities that could be useful to him.

They're in Seattle, hence the chapter title.


*December* (last few chapters were in October/November. It skips a month or so)

POV : Brittany

I strode through the hallways of my high school. Some of the freshman stared up at me. I was unusually tall, standing at over 6'5". But I wasn't ashamed or embarrassed about my height--I smiled reassuringly at the younger students that were intimidated by me.

I didn't play any sports, though I would have been great at basketball. And even though I was very social, I didn't have any close friends. I liked to try to be friends with everyone.

After third period, I noticed a girl I'd never seen before. She kept glancing hungrily at a boy that I knew. His name was Michael. He was in my computer apps class in ninth grade. He loved skateboarding and his favorite subject was math, I remembered.

I saw the girl's face more clearly as she turned around for a moment. She was beautiful. Her wide eyes were a rich crimson that startled me when they met my own gray-blue ones. Her pale hair was curled in a way that suggested it had been in a bun or ponytail for a long time. She smirked at me before approaching Michael to whisper something in his ear. Then she grabbed his hand and led him through one of the many exits the school had. I stopped by the door to peer outside.

"Where is she taking him?" I whispered.

Too stubborn to let it go, I pushed the door open just as the two of them disappeared into the woods. I stepped in the boy's tracks in the snow to try to hide my own.

When I reached the forest, a blurred figure collided with me. I fell face-first into the snow, hard.

"Felix?" A soprano voice said. "Want this one?"

"No. She could be useful to us. We should at least see if she could possibly have any special abilities."

"Ah, yes. If only Eleazar would have stayed with us. This would have been much less painful that way." The man speaking sighed. "Jane, my dear?"

"Yes, Aro." I could almost hear the smile in her voice.

I began to experience the most unbearable pain I had ever felt. I writhed in agony on the ground. What was she doing to me?

"Listen, girl. Do you have any, ah, amazing talents?" A male voice asked me.

The pain ceased, and I sat up slowly. I analyzed my surroundings. There were roughly a dozen people gathered around me and several limp bodies that were lying on the ground. Most of them wore dark cloaks, their eyes the same color as the girl from the building. I saw her there, smiling, and immediately knew that she was the one who had inflicted the horrible pain on me. I also spotted a young girl. She was even younger than the one who must have been Jane. A mere child.

"Well?" The male muttered, getting impatient.

"What do you mean? I was in choir in middle school. I did track. My coach said I was the best hurdler," I said.

"That's hardly useful to us. Think more of mental abilities, sweetie."

I almost said "I don't know," but I was worried it would get me killed. "When I watch someone, I can sometimes tell if their intentions are good or bad. I saw Jane with that boy and I knew something was wrong." It wasn't something I had ever realized before, but this was a special talent of mine. I could tell, more or less, whether a person was good or evil.

These people were most definitely evil.


I woke up with no idea where I was or how much time had passed since that day at school with the red-eyed people. I was lying on a bed with my clothes from that day still on.

"Aro. The girl is awake," someone called.

A man stepped into the dimly lit room. His face was a chalky white, his eyes a fierce black.

"Your name, dear?" he said.


"Well, Brittany. You and I have something in common," he began. "We are both vampires. We feed on the blood of living creatures, and, unfortunately, we must commit murder to live. But with this curse there is a gift. Enhanced senses and immortality are just two of the perks of being one of us. Your strongest trait or ability as a human has probably become your special ability. Do you know what this ability would be?"

I remembered the woods. Their eyes. All with pale faces. Did I look like them now?

Taking a deep breath, I realized I could feel an invisible force in my mind. It took effort, but I stretched it forward, just reaching Aro. When it hit him, I could see the room I was sitting in, but at a different angle. I was looking over at myself. I was seeing through his eyes.

A flood of information hit me like a brick wall. Aro had very dark intentions. His plan was to use Chelsea, who was standing close by him, to tie me emotionally to the Volturi so I would be more likely to join them if he offered. He would only do this if my powers were useful to him. Otherwise he'd have me killed.

He had a dark aura when I stretched the field around him. I retracted it, not liking the feeling I got at the pit of my stomach when it was around Aro.

"I was correct in the woods. I can see people's true intentions, what they've planned." Was he really going to kill me? I purposefully didn't tell Aro that I had tested my abilities on him.

"What an extraordinary power. It will only get stronger, I presume." He paused. "Brittany, would you like to join the Volturi?"

I suddenly felt like I had to accept the offer. The child from before stood in the corner, concentrating on something. She stared at me with a determined look on her face. "Yes," I finally responded.


Piper is doing well with her mind control. ;D

I hope I got all of my information right. I went to the Twilight Wiki about fifty times while I was writing this.

If anyone was wondering, they used Alec to numb the pain from the transformation. That's why she remembers nothing of it.

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