Renesmee Cullen

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"Renesmee, honey?" I heard my mother say.

I sat up, realizing I'd been sleeping. I touched her arm, showing her a memory of my dad's face.


"You're giving me the silent treatment again?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. I grinned.

"Sorry. Where is he?"

"Downstairs, watching a football game with Emmett and Jasper. Esme's making breakfast for you so whenever you're ready, go get it," She responded.


I watched her get up and leave the room. Sometimes I wish I was a full vampire. My mom is so graceful and pretty.


I sighed and walked over to the bathroom. My hair was getting so long, but Alice begged me not to cut it. The bronze curls were growing fast, just reaching my waist.

I took a quick shower and brushed my hair. I wonder where Jacob is. He usually wakes me up in the morning.

Oh no, maybe something happened. Maybe his pack ran into a vampire and he got hurt...


Anxious, I ran out of the bathroom and rushed down the stairs. All the lights were off.

What's going on?


Suddenly, my mom and dad, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and a few werewolves (including Jacob) jumped up and yelled 'Surprise!'

Oh my gosh, I'm turning five today! I look about 12 years old since I age so fast, but it's actually my fifth birthday!

Everyone was smiling and Emmett was holding a huge cake. It said Happy Birthday Renesmee! In pink icing.

Esme cut the cake and handed Charlie, the werewolves, and I a slice. Of course none of the vampires eat cake.

"Want some?" I asked my dad, Edward, sarcastically.

Taking me by surprise, he actually grabbed a piece of cake and ate it. I could tell by the look on his face that it didn't taste good to him, but he did it anyway.

"This is...the best cake...I've ever had," Jake said, pausing to chew

We were all sprawled out in the living room. I was laying on the couch, resting my head on the armrest. Jake leaned against the wall, along with the other werewolves. Sunlight peaked through the window, making my mom and dad's skin sparkle. They looked like gods, their perfect skin glowing in the sunlight.

I couldn't stop smiling. My life almost seems like a fairytale. I have a loving mom and dad who would do anything for me and a werewolf that is my best friend.


"Nessie? Do you want to open your presents now?" Jake wondered.

Before I could answer, Alice handed me a small purple box. I opened the box slowly, wondering what could be inside.


It was a charm bracelet. A tiny heart was dangling from the chain. Alice helped me put it on, her cold hands brushing my skin.

"Do you like it?" She squeaked.

"It's beautiful."

It really was. I was speechless.

"It's real silv-" Alice stopped mid-sentence and stared blankly. She must be having a vision.

"What is it Alice?" Jasper asked, kneeling by her side.

"I can't see."

"Did one of the werewolves-" Edward started.

"No. I saw a blur of something...A vampire maybe? Now I can't see," She explained.

Alice was whispering now, probably so Grandpa Charlie couldn't hear. He doesn't really like to talk about things like this.

Jacob stood up and announced, "I'll go let Sam know a vampire is coming."

He walked out the door and I stared at him as he phased. I wish Jake would let me meet Sam's pack. I only know Quil, Embry, and Seth, who are in Jacob's pack. He told me there's also a wolf named Leah in his pack, but she doesn't like to be around the vampires.


Everyone was quiet, probably watching Jacob like I was.


"What should we do?" Bella asked, breaking the silence.

"It's only one vampire. I could take him out myself," Emmett muttered.

 "I'm not 100% sure it was just one," Alice added.

Suddenly Charlie stood up. "Uh, I better get home."

Then I heard a knock on the door. Jake rushed in, looking like he'd just run a marathon. Sweat was running down his face and he was breathing heavy.

"Sam...caught two...vampires. They said that...they're looking for Bella." He took a few more deep breaths and sat down on the couch.

Charlie stood awkwardly by the doorway. Then his face turned white and he fell to the floor.

"DAD!" Bella screamed.


WHOO! I'm done with this chapter finally! And I have more readers than I expected!

I'll try to get chapter one up sometime this weekend...

Hey I was just wondering, did anyone notice that jacob has a sister name Rebecca? So her name is Rebecca Black.


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