BADDIES UNITE #purrrr #depressd #emo #baddiemoves

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So by the title, you must be like wth is Mello writing. Well, this isn't my story it's a story that my friends wrote for English. And I have their permission to post this on here.

ALso, grammar is thrown out the window on this one{Grammar doesn't exit in this entire book even tho I use Grammarly T T

Warning-Gen Z jokes














The baddie explorers left the #barbz cage bc btw they are trapped in a cage underwater and decided to see if they could swim back up to the surface like baddies until they saw the omega baddie and got jealous so they defeated it like baddies as they chanted their baddie war cry "HOW TO BE A BADDIE ÆEEEEEEEE" and then with their among us scuba suits they swam to the surface they climbed onto the boat using their baddie arms and started singing WAP by Queen Nicki Minaj because baddies dont need to be accurate they then sailed into the distance until they saw Jake and they decided to start a baddie cult with jake as the priest where they worship bbl drake and nicki minaj and they are still in europe so its European . 

 They are still waiting on Jake to take pick up their calls and they scheme to kidnap him like a baddie and brainwash him into being his boyfriends. 

They start making the cult and then the government tries to cancel them on twitter and force the citizens to take yass pills. 

That made them overthrow the bbl drake cult but then bbl drake came down from bbl heaven and called them haha furries. 

And then they use bbl drakes power to defeat the government and then they become president of the us even though they can only speak nicki minaj lyrics and the new national anthem becomes megatron by nicki minaj and all the children sing it like baddies BBL DRAKE CAME DOWN FROM HEAVEN AND CALLED THEM FURRIES OMG THAT FURRYPHOBIC.

 JAKE IS UWU DADDY JAKE and um is poggies bc emily ships dnf and is kinda poggers and watches tommyinnit constantly but then the badussy slayers decided to attack the cult bc they worshipped ed sheeran and they didnt like the bbl drake cult so they attacked and brough back the yass pills to turn the citizens against the cult but emily and jessica just made a baddie move and summoned nicki and bbl drake and then they were helped by them and they defeated the ed sheeran cult by cancelling them on twitter so ppl stopped taking the yas pills and then emily and jessica ruled the world like baddies and they made the world song "HOW TO BE A BADDIE ee NUMBER ONE FOR BADDIES 👹 AERGH 👹 HOW TO BE A BADDIE ÆEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" and then they forced jake to marry them and ended up unlifing each other after they fought over jake and then jake blew up the world one day because he was in a silly goofy mood and he wanted to have his y/n moment   

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