Chapter 3:fools gold

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In the future Eve was in her lab with a drawing of the disaster on the whitebored and there were several people in lab coats around the table, there were files and documents Eve slammed on the table she explained to the scientists there was a man called Elden who was born into a caveman tribe long ago and he was given the gift of immortality  and being immortal he could prevent this disaster and repopulate the Earth with Eve.

Eve explained if she went back in time and led this Elden to the future to her and alter the time periods for him to guide him.

One scientist a grey haired man with glasses in a lab coat put his hand up and disagreed with this whole situation and   warned Eve not to use the time machine because it could scramble the atoms in her body and maybe kill her, and plus it could mess with many peoples destiny's and mess up the timeline  and nobody wanted a world were pirates or dinosaurs were wreaking havoc in a modern world that would be awful.

Eve didn't care if she died she was running out of time and had to find a way for Elden to find her so he could help he was the last hope to re populate mankind. And anyway she said she would only deal with small things if she went to the past and wouldn't alter the timeline too much, it was Eves time machine she could do what she wants.

The bearded scientist shouted and told Eve she can't do this, he said she'll only ruin time for everybody and there are alternate ways, the scientist was going crazy and two scientists ran and grabbed his arms and tried to restrain him.

Eve rushed out and opened the door to the machine and typed on the computer 1730, the golden age of piracy.

She pressed enter on the keyboard and the time machine vanished with her in it into thin air.

The grey bearded scientist smashed the table in anger because she disobeyed him but the other scientists took his arm and reassured him that Eve knew what she was doing.

Eve walked out the time machine into a dark cave filled with water and water dripping down from the ceiling making her hair wet.

She walked by the wall and she saw a room filled to the brim with gold pieces and goodies, she picked a gold coin up from the ground and looked at it in awe she decided not to keep it because it would mess up the timeline and cause the pirates to not find the treasure, it was best to leave it alone.

She knelt by the wall with paint in hand and ran the brush over the wall drawing stick people  running away from giant flaming astroid with a skyscraper in the background telling whoever read it more details about  the future.

She hoped Elden would find it as he was immortal and would obviously live during the age of piracy.

She reached to her neck and unclipped her necklace and placed it under the painting hoping this would give Elden hope and motivation.

Suddenly she went back to the time machine to go back to the future but the loose ground broke and the time machine fell into hot bubbling steamy water, Eve panicked and bashed the wall with her shoulder hoping it would break and she could exit out and escape.

She sat against the wall sobbing as she watched her time machine race down the bubbling steamy  water stream she was trapped.

Suddenly Elden opened his eyes and saw the bright blue sky and a man with a long black beard and black trench coat and a wooden leg loomed over him and asked if he was ok?

Elden mumbled and asked were he was?, the man said he was glass eye Tom and this was his pirate ship The Scamp. Tom explained he found Elden in a field and dragged him on the ship to raise him back to health he looked as if he needed help.

Elden got up and shook Toms hand and thanked him for saving him and asked were he was going, Tom explained they needed to go to Nassau he had an friend that had a tip about some treasure.

The immortal and the time traveler Where stories live. Discover now