It's all good now

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"Where are you baby?" Hyunjin said over the phone, He is so clingy and I'm not complaining

"I'm at the café now—come on Jin, I'm only gone for minutes~~ stop being dramatic, I'm not going to have a date with another guy" I said

"Of course I trust you; that you won't, but I don't have trust to other guys around you" Hyunjin said "Come back now Lix, he promised to choke me and won't let me go until you went home!!" Hyunsam said

"Okay~~ I'll take an hour, Hang in there Sam tomorrow is your flight remember? so don't die today" I sarcastically said, as I walk towards the counter to buy my cake for Hyunsams Fairwell party later at their home

I'm finally getting to know their parents, I only know Hwang patriarch but not the first lady~~ I'm so excited to meet their Mom, I think they will be such a nice person since their Sons are nice to everyone~~

"Okay bye Baby take care on your way home, text me K!!?~~ I'm going to hang Hyunsam up" Hyunjin said "Sending Love muahp" He said

"Okay~~ clean up after you hang him, I love you" I said "TRAITORS!!!" I hear Hyunsam complain as I chuckled with his words and hanged up the phone

"I'll take Velvet chocolate cake please" I said to the counter

"Slice or Whole sir?" The clerk asked

"Whole" I said

"Okay sir, we'll tell you when it's ready you can take a sit first" She said

"Thank you~~" I said

"Okay, okay~~ stop fighting my babies~~ I'm so excited to meet your Boyfie, your brother tells me that he is so cute" The Lady who just entered the café said, It's not that I'm eavesdropping but we are the only customers since it is so early so she can be so easily heard

"Stop hurting your Brother, Baby Ferret~~" The lady said "Whole Velvet Chocolate cake please", "Okay, okay you're not a ferret then what are you *chuckle*" I wish to have a Mother like her, someone who supports her Child and make sure they are having a nice bonding

I'm Jealous at whoever this Lady's Son, I hope they'll cherish and appreciate their Moms effort "Oh look, there is such a cutie in this café, He's definitely your type ferret one and two~~" The lady said locking eye contact with me

It was awkward for a minute but she ended up smiling at me, so I smiled at her~~ I know that she is only teasing her son "I know, and I'll gonna meet your little boyfie~~ later tonight I'm so excited~~ Imma give him all of my dresses!!" The lady said, chuckling at her own words

"Just kidding he is still a man~~ but it's up to him" She said

"Velvet Chocolate cake~~" The clerck said

"Oh the Cake, I'll be seeing you tonight~~" The lady said, and stand up with me "You better tell me when are you getting married" she said and hang up the phone

"Sorry about that young man, I was just teasing my son and checking for his loyalty *Laughs*" The lady said as she handed her credit to the clerk

"It's okay madam~~ I actually like your bond with your son" I said giving my credits to the clerk

"I have three son, two of them are gay one already has a boyfriend~~ they are personality wise and they are great people, if you have time~~" She said, I don't want to be rude but I also don't want to make hyunjin distrust me; "I'm sorry madam, I'm already taken~~" I said as I smile at her

THE SPACE BETWEEN US// HyunLixWhere stories live. Discover now