Twins Rival

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My Baby Felix asks us to behave in front of that bastard kiddo, Ethan; we are completely behaving aren't we? we are just death glaring him while crossing our hands, He was literally sitting by Felix side

"Lix you still has to rest, let him be; his Dad can feed him" Hyunsam said, but seems like our words are air to Felix

"Where's your Dad?" Felix ask to that Ethan guy

"He has a business, and so he just drop me to make sure that I'll say sorry to you and your brothers" That Ethan guy said, Man I'm going to marry him, bold of you to think that we are just brothers

"They aren't my brothers" Felix straightly said to him, while letting out a smile "Come on eat more" Felix said while looking at that Ethan guy enthusiastically "Korean food is so delicious right?" Felix asked, that Ethan guy look at him and; "You have something on your Lips" Felix said

I panic because Lix was about to remove that by his bare hand, when Hyunsam suddenly smash a tissue on that Ethan guy

"Looks like our friend right here is having trouble, let me help you removed that little dirt on your face" Hyunsam said, almost removing that Ethan guys face, Go Brother I got your back

"Let me do it alone" That Ethan guy said grabbing the tissue, Hyunsam sit like nothing happened and smile at our Little Lix, THAT,,, THAT smile right there is the reason why I'm having difficulty in breathing

"How old are you?" Lix asked

"I'm 20 years old~" That guy answer

"You're 20!!!" Hyunsam screamed

"What's wrong with that?" He asked, I stand up and hold his arms, while Hyunsam also stand up head lock him "What is up with you~~" He said

"You are younger than us, and you have the guts to talk to us informally, We see that you are on rebellion stage~~" I tell him

"And I supposed rebellious kid should be having a great lesson" Hyunsam agreed

"And a well done spanking~~" I said

"Okay~~ you two sit down~" Felix said, we instantly obey and get back on our sit


Finally, now that he is about to leave we can be alone with Lix now~~ this brat doesn't even know how to respect elders (NOTE: They are only one year ahead -_-)

"I'm sorry again, for so much trouble" The Ethan guy said "C, can I take your number?" That guy ask, HUH!? And you're even planning to get my babies number?


"No!!" I said blocking Lix from giving his phone to this guy's Ethan "Do you really think, we'll let you keep in touch to Lix?" I said again

"My dad ask me, f, for his number" He stuttered between words, he is obviously lying~~ this guy doesn't have a good character and is very much into himself really has the gut to tell me a lie

"You can't have his number" Hyunsam added

"You're not his Brother, why are you acting like one?" He said, I slam his head slightly and;

"We are your Hyung (Big Bro) show some respect kiddo" I said

"Okay,okay calm down, here take my number~~" Lix said, me and Sam faced him out of shock "His dad was asking him, to get my number, maybe that is his only proof to tell his dad that he actually say sorry" Felix said, sounds reasonable because Lix say it, but he's obviously lying~~ I narrowed my eyes and glare at him as he was obviously happy on getting my babys' number

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