Angel Number 8045

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I'm at the side of our classroom, looking at the window wondering about things and enjoying the weather, I love rainy days, well not until I meet a person who resembles the Sunshine, His smile, that constellation like freckles he has, that red lips and a star like eyes, the sun must be Jealous

"Hyun Fucking Jin!!", There ya go Minho Hyung

"Why?" I frowned and asked, as he entered our room, and slam my back

"Don't why me, Chan Hyung will definitely scold your ass out!" Minho hyung said out of his lungs, making me remember how scary is Chan hyung when he is mad

Ahhhhh Shit, I'm gonna die today!!

"I'm doomed " I said as I stand up and pack up my things as we are about to leave a deep warm voice come to our company

"M- minho hyung, Excuse me can I have a moment with you?" felix said with his cute blushing face, My expression instantly went Blank as I saw his cute face blushing over minho hyung, he is smiling at minho hyung enthusiastically 

"Ahh sure, what do you need?", Minho hyung asked, Minho hyung knew about my feelings toward Felix, so he eye side me and smile- like teasing me, I just remain silent and sat my ass down the table, as I looked away from them

"I don't wanna waste much of your time, I just wanna know if I can possibly ask for your number"  Felix said, I got shocked about the sudden request , Minho hyung looked at me and smile, as he teased me along with his eyebrows

"Of course, why not?" he said


I walked faster than Minho hyung, because I'm angry, so angry that I could have possibly punch him, for giving his number to Felix

"Now, now hyunjin~ stop being so childish" minho hyung stated as he tapped my shoulder, making me stop from walking 

I sighed deeply as he smile and teased me with his eyebrows again, "Look at you" I say as I frowned "Why?" he asked, like as if he didn't know what he've done, "He asked for your number" I said

"Then...?" he said, teasing me again with that 'what have I done ?' expression thingy

"You give your number" I screamed, making anybody else looked at us 

"Then..." Teasing me again....

"You know that I love~!!!", I paused from screaming as I noticed everyone in the hallway is looking at us, "You know I like him so much, and you just give him your number" I whispered screamed at him 

"Look at this Hyun Coward Jin being jealous about me giving my number to his little boyfie" he said as he squeak my cheeks, I rolled my eyes and  walked away... he instantly follow me and asked me "Look, why do you think I give him my number?"

I stopped walking again and rolled my eyes as I'm thinking of the possible answer "Because you like him, probably" I confusedly said

"You're stupid aren't you?, at least let your brain coordinate with your face, You know I'm straight" he said, he wrapepd me with his arms and continued walking 

Straight my ass


"Obviously to get his number for you", "Mr. Hyun Stupid Jin look, we've been with you since junior years up until now, and you've been loving him for 6 years!!!" He screamed, I look around knowing that he intentionally do that

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