Chapter Thirteen

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For the next few days, Faye hid away in her apartment, not wanting to go anywhere or see anyone. She knew she had a wedding to plan, but she just didn't feel up to it.

It was Thursday afternoon when her mother came to check up on her, after days of radio silence. Wandering into her daughter's apartment, she saw the blonde laying down on the couch, hands covering her face.

"You were supposed to call me yesterday to set up a time to look at invitation samples," Heidi stated, in lieu of a greeting

"Sorry, mom. I've just been so caught up with the book," Faye lied, making no attempt to sit up

"You're hiding," her mother smiled knowingly, taking a seat across from Faye, "the last time you did this was when you changed from a political science to an art degree and you were terrified to tell your father. So, what is it this time?"

"Nothing, mom, you just caught me clearing my head," the blonde sighed, finally sitting up to look at her mother

"Maybe I need some head clearing too," Heidi shrugged

"Is it something with you and dad? Are you okay?"

"We're fine," the older woman assured her, "although, you know, the other day I was reminiscing about an old boyfriend of mine, John Martin."

"Oh?" Faye asked, wondering where her mother was going with this

"Well you see, my father adored him, and I thought I was doing the right thing by being with him. But then, at a freshman party I met this senior who I was instantly drawn to, and I wanted to be with him instead."


Heidi nodded slowly, "I may have ruffled a few feathers, but I never regretted the decision I made, because it was mine. I've been much happier ever since."

"I'm glad," Faye smiled softly

"Faye, honey, I want you to understand that I'm happy in my life, but you don't have to do the same to be happy," the woman reached across the table and squeezed the blonde's hand

"Thanks, mom."


Walking through the door, she let out a shaky breath, stopping just short of the circle. It was clear to her they had been playing some form of musical chairs, and only H and Grace were left in the game. She cleared her throat, causing everyone to turn in her direction. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Lee's face light up, but she pushed that thought to the back of her mind.

"Welcome back," Megan smiled

The blonde took a deep breath, "I admit that I need this class, and that I'm going through with the wedding so I don't disappoint anyone. Hell, I can't even disappoint my publisher."

"This is good Faye, let it out," Megan encouraged.

At a loss with what to say next, she was thankful when Megan spoke again,

"Okay, why don't we have an imaginary confrontation. I'll be Kyle and-"

"Actually," Lee spoke up, "do you mind if I be Kyle?"

"Of course, go ahead," Megan nodded, watching as Faye made her way into the centre of the circle to stand opposite Lee.

"Kyle, we need to talk," she started unsurely

"Is this about our upcoming wedding?"

"Yes. I can't marry you," she sighed

"Why not?" Lee asked

"You're a kind and wonderful man but we're just not right for each other," Faye smiled sadly

"We've been dating for two years and you're just now figuring this out?" he shook his head

"Yes. I'm sorry, but when you start thinking about the rest of your life you want to make sure you do it with the right person."

"What kind of person is the right person?" he questioned

"Someone who can see me clearly for who I am, or at least someone who wants to find out who I am," Faye looked down to her feet

"Why did you lie to me?" Lee asked, slipping out of character

"I told you about the kidney thing," she shrugged, looking back up and finding his eyes once more

"And I knew that was complete fiction from day one, and I thought it was pretty hilarious when you were talking about Kyle being your boyfriend."

"Well I told the class why," she sighed quietly

"After we did my field assignment together, I thought we'd built up some trust in each other. I let you in, you didn't let me in," his voice broke slightly and she could tell this was hard on him too

The blonde felt her eyes well up with tears, knowing they'd hit the point of no return, "probably because I'm the type of person who doesn't have the heart to hurt anyone else."

Sensing the tension, Megan jumped in, "okay, are you ready to admit who you're most afraid to confront?"

She felt his warm hands in hers, and allowed him to take her wherever he was heading. He stopped in front of the mirror, blocking her view of it, and gently squeezed her hands.

"That person is here," he whispered, letting go of her hands and walking away. Walking out of the door.

She stared at her reflection, watching him leave out of the corner of her eye, and that was when she broke down.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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