Chapter Three

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The next evening saw Lisa and Faye hanging around in the latter's bedroom, as she decided what to wear to the party that she would be attending later with Kyle.

"So, how was your very predictable date night?" Lisa asked as Faye held a navy blue dress up to her chest, admiring how it looked in the mirror.

"Well, I ordered the crepe su sette" Faye told her as she exchanged the blue dress for a red one

"No, you didn't?!" The brunette asked, stunned, "how was it?"

"I don't know," Faye admitted, "I didn't get to try it"

Mentally filling in the blanks for herself, Lisa sighed, "so what dress are you going to wear?"

"I don't know" Faye trailed off, looking between her options

"Can I make a suggestion?" Lisa asked


"I'll be right back," the brunette explained as she jumped off the bed, and left the room.


An hour later, Faye exited her bedroom to find a very impatient Kyle checking his watch. As he heard footsteps, he looked up, and he was not impressed with what he saw.

Faye wore a baby pink slip dress with white lace at the hem and around the bodice. It was very short, dangerously so, in Kyle's opinion and made of a very thin, silky fabric.

"What do you think?" the blonde asked, holding her jacket close to her body as she picked up her handbag

"You're wearing that?" Kyle asked, disapprovingly

"Well, yes..." Faye replied

Kyle looked up and down Faye's outfit, unsure of what to say.

"Is it too much? I can go change" she suggested sweetly

"Well we don't really have enough time, I'm sure it's fine" he faked a smile as he pushed her out the door.


A few hours later and the party was in full swing, with drinks being consumed and conversations being had all over the house. As Faye finished her final sip of champagne, Kyle offered to get her a refill.

"No it's fine, I'll get it," she smiled at him, "you need to go and talk to your professor friends"

"Thanks," was all he said, before wandering over to one of his colleagues and starting a conversation.

Aware she knew no one else at the party, Faye looked around awkwardly, seeing everyone engrossed in discussion. Heading in the direction of the bar to get another drink, she noticed the back door was open, and in a careful motion she left her glass on the table and backed out of the door. Her nose was met by a mixture of floral scents as she found herself in a small greenhouse, looking at flowers of all colours and sizes.

Spotting a pink flower that looked especially pretty, she wandered over to it and bent down to smell it. A spicy, exotic scent flowed through her nostrils as a male voice spoke up,

"The medinilla magnifica, otherwise known as a pink lantern"

"Or a philippine orchid" she countered as she stood upright again, facing the shelves from which the voice had come from behind of.

"And here I was trying to impress you" he replied, barely louder than a whisper as he revealed his identity. He was tall, with brown hair and chocolate eyes. His face wore a slight smile, and he donned a simple grey suit. Instantly, Faye knew who it was, and she hated that she did. It was Lee Latchford-Evans.

"I uh, didn't mean to intrude, I'll leave" Faye turned around to go back into the party when Lee spoke up again

"You're Faye Tozer" he stated

Turning back around slowly, she replied, "And you're Lee Latchford-Evans"

"This has the potential to get really awkward," Lee joked, in an attempt to lighten the mood

"You know I can't believe you would say something like that live on air" Faye tutted

"Straight into the awkward zone, okay then," Lee chuckled uncomfortably, "You know what those types of shows are like. Besides, I'm sure it wasn't that bad"

"Although well written, Miss Tozer's safe, leave it to beaver take on her childhood leaves me wanting absolutely nothing more from this author. Ever" Faye quoted, staring straight at him

"Ouch. That is kind of harsh isn't it?"

The blonde raised her eyebrows in return, as if to say, no really?

Reaching onto the shelf to grab a half empty wine glass that had been discarded long before Faye entered the greenhouse, Lee sighed. He handed the glass to Faye, who met him with a confused expression.

"Throw this glass of wine on me," he told her

"What?" Faye laughed slightly

"Go on, I deserve it,"

"I'm not gonna throw wine on you," she rolled her eyes

"Do it. Throw the glass on me," he insisted

"No," she replied, taking a sip from the glass

Accepting defeat, he walked passed her and headed for the door. Her eyes were still fixated on where he had previously been stood as he turned back to her.

"Pink is definitely your colour"

Smiling a little, she looked down to the glass in her hand

"Oh there you are Faye, I've been looking everywhere for you"

When she turned around, she was face to face with Kyle, and Lee was nowhere to be seen.

"Are you okay?" he asked


"Is this because I don't like your dress?"

"You, you don't like my dress?" Faye asked, taken aback

"No no that's not what I meant, I uh," unsure of what to say, he changed the subject, "did you want to leave?"

Accepting that the conversation was over, Faye just nodded, leaving the glass on the side and following Kyle out of the party.

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