Chapter Two

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Spinning around on her desk chair, Faye gave a dejected sigh. This rewrite was seeming impossible. There were notes on practically every sentence in every chapter, and Faye had no idea how she was going to finish it in time.

Skipping through the open doorway, Lisa Scott-Lee made her way over to Faye's desk and held out a spoon with some kind of sauce on it.

"Will you try this please?" she asked, pouting slightly.

Lisa was a small brunette with brown eyes. She was Faye's best friend, and she lived in the apartment across the hall from Faye. Upon moving out of her parent's house and into her own place, Faye didn't know anyone. But Lisa's bubbly personality was quick to grab Faye's attention and the pair became best friends almost instantly. That was five years ago now, and they'd both come so far, but still remained close.

Rolling her eyes, Faye pulled herself away from the desktop and allowed Lisa to give her the sauce. She pondered for a moment before asking,

"Is there ginger in there?"

Lisa smiled, "I knew you'd pick up on that. It's not too much is it?"

Faye shook her head as Lisa headed back over to her apartment.

"So what are you making?" Faye asked

"Roast duck, but don't worry I'll leave you some left overs" Lisa yelled back

"Can't, it's Friday remember" Faye reminded her

"Oh right, date night" the brunette rolled her eyes

Noticing, Faye turned her attention fully to Lisa, all but disregarding her work, "What's wrong with that?"

"You're so predictable" Lisa replied

"We are not!" Faye yelled, offended

"Oh please, you always go to Ocean Prime, you'll split a bottle of red wine, order the dover sole and skip coffee. He'll get the check and drop you home" Lisa explained smugly

"That's so not true" the blonde huffed, "sometimes I get the check"

"Fine," the brunette thought. Reaching for a piece of paper and a marker, she scribbled something down before walking back over into Faye's apartment. "What time does he always get you home by?"

Thinking for a moment, Faye replied, "10:15ish"

As the words were leaving her mouth, Lisa pulled the paper around from behind her to show Faye what she'd written on the piece of paper. 10:15.

Sighing, Faye turned back to her computer, "but what's so wrong with that? It's nice. Comfortable"

Lisa laughed slightly, "Sure Faye"

"Now you need to leave because you're distracting me and I have so much work to do" Faye announced as she got up, ushering Lisa out the door, "I'll call you later alright?"

"Sure" Lisa nodded,"actually, only call me if you did something wild, like ordering a crepe su sette or something"

"I can do that," Faye replied as she shut the door.


A few hours later, Faye was sat at a table in Ocean Prime next to her boyfriend, Kyle. She was glancing over the menu, when Kyle started a conversation.

"You know, I wrote this funny joke at work today,"

"Oh really? Go on then" Faye smiled at him, shifting her attention from the menu to her boyfriend.

"Oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, sodium and phosphorus walk into a bar. "OH SNaP!" says the bartender." Kyle told her, laughing.

Looking at him in confusion, Faye began to laugh awkwardly. "That's um, that's funny"

"No, it's probably not that funny" he shook his head

"I'm sure it is," Faye reassured him

Faye's boyfriend of two years, Kyle Johnson, was a chemistry professor at New York University. They met three years ago, when Faye had been at NYU and he had come to visit, as an alumnus. He was quite a few years older than her, and the following year, after Faye had graduated and he had become a professor, they started dating.

Their regular waiter, Albert, approached the table and smiled at them,

"Faye, Kyle, what can I get you this evening?"

Looking over at Faye briefly, before back at Albert, Kyle replied "I think we'll split a bottle of red wine, and um, two dover soles please"

"Certainly," Albert noted down before he took their menus.

Out of the corner of her eye, Faye noticed the large flame that appeared shortly before dying down again, Faye remembered what Lisa had told her earlier,

"only call me if you did something wild, like ordering a crepe su sette or something"

"Actually," Faye began, "I'd like that"

Kyle looked over to what had captured his girlfriend's attention and turned back to her, a questioning look on his face, "flaming pancakes? Really?"

"Yeah," Faye smiled, "Don't you think that looks fun?"

"Well," Kyle answered, although it was obvious he was very against the flaming pancakes

"You know what, don't worry the dover sole is fine," Faye sighed, admitting defeat

"Really? Because I mean you can have what you want," Kyle told her, although it was far from an earnest statement

"No, it's fine, the dover sole is always good. Thanks Albert" Faye smiled, albeit sadly, as Albert left them alone again.

"Are you okay?" Kyle asked, somewhat concerned

"Well, my publishers don't like my book" Faye shrugged

"Oh that's a shame, why didn't you tell me?"

"I just, didn't want to worry you, not with the big party coming up tomorrow" Faye told him dismissively

Kyle simply nodded.

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