Chapter 3

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Quick A/n: By this chapter they are already in Junior High unlike the last chapter. So, I did kinda do a simi-large time skip/jump.
Light's POV
I was walking in the forest behind my house with my sister. Our parents are arguing about something again and we didn't want to be there for it. We found this little clearing filled with lavenders and at least four Sakura trees. We sit down and pull out our own things to do. I pulled out a book that I had gotten from our library. The book is on martial arts and the other fighting styles. I have been studying this book ever since I found out that I was quirkless. I didn't want others to think I would be an easy target, or be a punching bag for them to use. I still am the target of bullying though, but I don't let them get to me. A couple of minutes go by before I hear rustling in the bushes. I turn my head to where the noise is coming from to spot a villain coming into the clearing. "Eleanor, we need to leave now!" I say getting up and closing my book. She looks over spotting the villain and also gets up trapping his legs in ice. We both start running in the direction of our house. I pull out my phone and call dad. He doesn't answer the phone, so I call mom, but she also doesn't answer the phone. 'They better not be fighting still.' I think. I look back and notice the villain is now out of the ice and chasing us. I look ahead of me to notice that there are more villains now, and that one is holding my sister. "Eleanor!" I shout with fear in my tone. She looks over to me and shakes her head telling me not to come closer to her. Then she looks behind me and her eyes widen in fear. "Light!!" She shouts. I turn around to see the villain that was chasing us caught up and now has a knife out and is swinging it down towards me. I move backwards and counter his attack, but was not fast enough since he was able to cut my left eye causing me to stagger backwards. I hiss in pain and hold the eye that was cut. My phone starts ringing and I pull it out to see my dad is calling. I answer it immediately. "Light, why did you call?" He asks. "Dad! Eleanor and I are in danger! Villains are holding us hostage in the forest behind our home! I'm going to need to go to the hospital! One of them cut my left eye." I say taking a step away from the villain with the knife as he steps forward. "WHAT?!?! I'm on my way sweetie!" He says before hanging up. The villain becomes angry and goes to swing his knife again, but I dodge him and counter his attack knocking the knife out of his hand. 'Good thing I've been studying martial arts.' I think before picking the knife up and flinging it to a tree getting it stuck in the bark. A few more minutes go by until a burst of fire and ice head our way. I turn to see that dad came with mom, and that they both look pissed off. They beat all the villains and have them arrested before turning to us to inspect the damage. Mom ignores me though and just looks over Eleanor like I don't exist. Dad picks me up and flies me to the hospital where the doctor checks my eye and heals it to the best of their ability. I'm now able to see out of the eye, but will have a scar where the knife had cut into. Dad takes me home and checks me over once more before leaving me to rest. My sister came into my room with a worried look etched on her face. She sighs in relief and runs over to me hugging me. "Can I stay with you tonight?" She asks. "Uhh...sure." I say. She smiles and leaves to get changed and comes back into my room. We end up reading some manga and watching some shows before going to bed.

~the next day~

I get up and change into my school uniform before waking my sister up. She goes to her room and changes as well. We leave for Aldera Junior High and meet up with Izuku. I spot him getting bullied and rush over kicking the bully away. "Leave him alone now." I say. They go to retort, but with one look at my face they run off. I turn to Izuku with worry in my eyes. "Are you okay?" I ask. He nods not wanting to look up, so I frown which is hidden under my mask. Eleanor walks up to us with Veronica as they hold hands. Veronica takes one look at my face and rushes over grabbing it in her hands. "What happened to your eye Light-Chan?!?!" She asks worry dripping through her tone. "A villain attacked my sister and I yesterday." I say. She nods frowning and pulls me into a hug. "At least you both are okay." She says. "Yeah, but mom is acting strange now." Eleanor says. "What do you mean?" Izuku asks. "She only pays attention to Eleanor, and when something happens she either blames me, or doesn't ask if I'm okay." I say. "Dad is the only one that pays attention to both of us. If they get a divorce I want to go with Light and dad. I can't stand my mom anymore." Eleanor says. I nod in agreement before sighing. "We should get to class." I say. The others nod and we head to the classroom.

~Time skip~

Veronica's POV
I went home after school to see my mother pacing worried about something. "Mom?" I ask. She stops pacing and turns to me. "Veronica sweetie, I need you to pack your things. You'll be continuing school through online until high school. I'm very sorry, but your dad got a promotion and we have to move. We'll be too far away for you to come to the school you currently attend. You may go say bye to your friends and girlfriend." Mom says. I nod with tears forming and pack everything before calling Light and asking her to meet at the mall with Izuku, Izumi, and Eleanor. When I got there all four of them were waiting for me. "Thank you for coming. I have some saddening news." I say. Light gestures for me to continue. "I have to move and won't be attending the same school anymore. I'll be doing the rest of the year through online courses. I'm sorry." I say. "It's not your fault. Just stay in touch with us. Especially if you need anything. We'll meet again at UA." Light says. I thank her and hug her while the others also join in. "I'll miss you babe." Eleanor whispers. "I'll miss you too love." I whisper. We promised to keep in touch and parted ways once it was time for me to leave with my mother. I sigh sadly and wonder if I could control time to either freeze it or make it go by faster, so that we would be in high school already. Once at the new place I unpack and change before going to bed.

Me: 😅 I wanted to explain why she isn't in the future chapters until much later. I totally didn't forget one of my own characters.
Peace out ✌️
Emylee Marvel

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