Chapter 1

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Third persons POV
Two young twins at the age of four race to their mother with huge grins on their faces. "Mommy! Mommy! It's time to go! We want to see what our quirks are!" They say jumping up and down. The mother chuckles smiling and tells them to go wait by the car. She follows them and drives towards the quirk doctor. The two kids wait until it is their turn to be called and go with the doctor as soon as they are called. Their mother comes in to hear what the results are. "Do you want to know Izumi's or Izuku's first?" The doctor asks. "Izuku's quirk first please." Inko says. "I'm sorry miss but he's quirkless." The doctor says. Izuku can feel his heart shattering and drops his All Might figurine from the shock. He can feel the tears forming from the news of not having a quirk that he'll be able to show off to Katsuki and be his partner in fighting villains. "What about Izumi sir?" Inko asks as she pulls Izuku's figurine towards her. "She has telekinesis but it is s rank, so it could do a lot of damage to her if not trained properly." The doctor says causing Izumi to smile widely. "You hear that Izumi you can be a hero like you wanted to be!" Inko says. Izumi notices how upset Izuku is about not having a quirk. She also knows he stills wants to be a hero. 'I know it's dangerous, but I want to be there for him no matter what. I'll support him to become a pro hero even if he is quirkless' Little Izumi thinks while smiling to comfort her little brother. Izuku tries to smile with her, but is still saddened by the news. Inko takes her children home and watches as Izuku goes upstairs to his room. She frowns knowing he wanted to be a hero like All Might and now he can't because of one simple word. 'I know he wants to be a hero still, but it's very dangerous. I'll support him as much as I can, but I don't want him to become one.' Inko thinks making the sandwiches for Izuku. She goes upstairs to give him the sandwiches with Izumi and they both stop at the door before rushing over to him crying and hugging him. "I'm sorry Izuku!" Inko says further hurting Izuku's heart. Inko eventually leaves and Izumi stays with him. "I know you still want to be a hero, so I'm going to support you and help you achieve that dream! Let's go to the park tomorrow!" Izumi says. Izuku nods and wipes his tears away happy that Izumi isn't going to leave him because he is quirkless. Izumi smiles at Izuku who returns it immediately. Izumi and Izuku in that moment make a silent promise to one another to become the best heroes together and always have each others backs.

Me: Woohoo! Finally done after so long of being though about. 😅 I hope you enjoy this book. I really loved thinking about this one and also writing it. 🥰😊☺️
Peace out ✌️
Emylee Marvel

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