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Title: not the sappy stuff

POV: Wilbur

The rain was pattering against the windows of the small vintage classroom me and about 20 other people were sat in.

I was still busy taking notes while everyone was already on their way to leave the classroom or talk to their friends . Mr.skeppy was reminding everyone of the upcoming exam, but as soon as the other students heard the bell rang they vanished.


I sometimes wondered if they thought i was the idiot for ,,wasting my teen years" as my dad and brothers always said. But I just wanted to get out of this hell called school as quickly as possible.

After I finished my notes , I
slowly packed my things and left the room.

In the hallway everyone everyone was chattering and i sometimes oicked up my name in some conversation but I as always choose to ignore it.

I always tried to stay out of trouble and just conversations in general.

I was never really big on friends or relationships so it wasn't to difficult to not cause any drama.

After I was able to fight through the ocean of students I saw a girl with bright pink hair. ,,Will! Im here!" she yelled at me happily. I smiled and walked towards her.

Niki moved from Germany a few months ago and i helped her to find her way around. Even after her first weeks were over we remained very close and i guess i considered her my best friend.

,,Hey niki! you texted me that you had something important to tell me earlier, what is it?"

After I said that the girls face lit up and she started smiling again.

,,Yes! I was able to convince your dad to-"

Oh god.
Niki had one of her ‚amazing' ideas again. The ones that almost everyone loved but i hated more then anything.

,,Oh no what did you convince him to do this time.."

,,Come on Will! Its nothing bad"

,,You said the same thing when you convinced him to do the valentines day event"

,,And everyone liked it! It was cute"

,,No it was embarrassing"

,,The only things that you like are to make new stupid rules and do charity events with no social interactions"

Just as i wanted to argue back , we arrived at the big hall were me, niki,dream,george and some other members would talk about
,,important things" every Monday and Friday. Dream and the others already waited for us.

During the meeting niki suggested the thing she convinced my dad to let her do, It was yet another event, an after party for the big football match in 3 weeks. It wasn't that horrible since I at least wasn't forced to go, but I could already tell that tommy would beg me to go on the party with him.

I organised and micromanaged most of the party's and school events that were thrown, but most of the time i managed to let niki go to the party itself so I wouldn't have to face that many drunk people trying to talk to me. I've always preferred spending my weekend's home.

Scrawny motherf*cker [DSMP highschool AU]Where stories live. Discover now