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It was a summer afternoon, Parker and Chester were once again on the road, traveling to another client's house. The client is a fifteen-year-old girl by the name of Chloe Roberts. Parker had received an email from her a few days prior and after deciding that he'd like to take up the investigation, he contacted her back to get her address. Which leads to right now, Parker in the driver's seat of the car attempting to follow the GPS while Chester is seated in the passenger seat and as always, being skeptical.

"Look dude I'm just saying that this doesn't seem like something we should get involved with," Chester told Parker for what was probably the third time today.

"She sounded really worried in her email," Parker replied.

"But her dad just went through a divorce, he might be acting weird because of that."

"Chloe mentioned in her email that she saw her dad burying things in their backyard at night. That doesn't sound like normal behavior."

"Yeah, that sounds sketchy but it also sounds like something that you would report to the police, not supernatural investigators."

"Bro you know she might be scared that something bad could happen to her dad if the police get involved. Also, would you really call the cops on someone just because they were burying things in their backyard at night? I mean it's sketchy but there could be a reasonable explanation for it."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Chester sighed in defeat, he knew it was virtually useless to argue with Parker. He always stuck by his options and ideas, hardly did he ever consider Chester's thoughts. More often than not Parker would just shrug off Chester's comments on the investigation, and if Chester was going to be honest it was rather hurtful. "I still think this is a family issue dude. A really personal family issue too."

"Well, we're almost there, no turning back now."

No Turning Back Now: Life of Luxury: Parker x ChesterWhere stories live. Discover now